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A city of about seven thousand inhabitants, and the seat of justice for the county, is situated nearly in its center. Three railroads pass through it, viz.: The Chicago, Alton & St. Louis, completed in 1858; the Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western, in January, 1873; and the Pekin, Lincoln & Decatur, in October, 1871. These roads give the city direct con nection with all important points, and furnish excellent avenues for its trade.

Col. R. B. Latham was engaged to procure the right of way through Logan County for the Chicago & Alton Railroad, and was promised by the chief engineer, Mr. Lee, the location of a station. A depot was already fixed upon at Elkhart, and as the company then made the stations about ten miles apart, section thirty-one of Town 20, Range 2, west, or near Postville, would be another point. Another important matter decided the location here. The people desired a more central seat of justice than Mt. Pulaski, and also wanted it on the railroad. Postville, the first county seat, petitioned for its location, and while the question was being agitated, the Chicago & Alton Railroad was surveyed. As Postville was almost a mile from this road, that fact was against it in the matter. Mr. Colby Knapp was in the legislature the winter of 1852-3, and presented the bill giving the people the right to vote for the removal. The present site of Lincoln was then owned by a Mr. Loose, living near Greencastle, Pennsylvania, who, with his brother, had entered it about the year 1836 or 1837. No sooner had he assented to its sale than Col. Latham started immediately for Pennsylvania to obtain the deed, not wishing to wait its transmission by mail. He purchased the land on behalf of himself, John D. Gillett, and Virgil Hickox, and telegraphed at once to the latter to have inserted in the act the quarter section purchased as the future county seat, instead of Postville. This was done, and the act passed, being approved Feb. 14, 1858. In the spring the survey of the new town began. Conaway Pence, then County Surveyor, laid out the town, the proprietors making the streets parallel with the railroad, instead of following the cardinal points. The entire plat was not completed until some time in the summer. Work was being done at this time on the railroad, and by August construction trains were running from Springfield to this point. Here the company had a large wood shed and water-tank, In one end of the shed they made a depot. The stake company had their stables here, and passengers coming on the construction trains to this point would be taken by stage to Bloomington, there to connect with the Illinois Central Railroad, then just completed. As the Chicago & Alton Road was built, a station was made about every ten miles, when the stage companies would remove their stables to that point and carry passengers therefrom.

The sale of lots in Lincoln, so named in honor of the martyr President, then a prominent attorney in Springfield, and an intimate friend of the founders of Lincoln, was advertised to take place on Aug. 29, and that morning a construction train was run from Springfield bringing in many buyers, among them Mr. Lincoln, who remarked during the sale, as he walked around inspecting the lots, that they were cheap and desirable, but he was unable to buy. Quite a number of people were here from various parts of the county, especially those desirous of purchasing lots for a future home. Ninety lots were sold, varying in price from forty to one hundred and fifty dollars. The most valuable were those fronting on the railroad, or on Chicago street. The total proceeds were about. six thousand dollars, a handsome advance on the purchase price of the land, that being eight dollars per acre, or twelve hundred and eighty dollars. All this had occurred before the vote was taken by the people for the removal of the county seat from Mt. Pulaski. Yet so confident were the proprietors of the new town that the change would be made and their location selected, that they caused all this to be done, guaranteeing to each purchaser the location of the seat of justice or a forfeiture of the sale.

In a short time building began. John Allison erected the first house on the plat -- a dwelling. It stands. east of the railroad, on Chicago street, and is now the dwelling of Thomas Galvin. A grocery was built on the lot now occupied by N. Pegram's grain office, by Samuel Long. This was the first business house in Lincoln. As Postville was near, the carpenters who did not live there boarded at the hotel built there in 1836 or '37. Just south of Long's grocery, E. Boren and Jesse Forbes erected the second store, and began business in December. This store was burned on December 8, 1871, eighteen years after building. Michael Hinricksen purchased a dwelling built by Mr. I. N. Buck, the first station agent. His house occupied the site of J. H. Danley's music store, and was afterward removed to give place to a store erected in its stead. In January, 1854, Col. Latham, then living at Mt. Pulaski, began the erection of the old Lincoln House, afterward known as the Eagle Hotel. He hired two men to do the work, and as soon as the building season opened, broke ground for its construction. Col. R. B. Latham has done more for the city of Lincoln, and through it for the county, than any other. He has erected several fine business houses in the city, and has always been the foremost in advancing its interests. There is not a church, or school, or college, or the Feeble Minded Institute, or any beneficent object therein that has not received pecuniary aid from him, as well as personal endeavors on his part for their advancement. The hotel occupied the site of the present Lincoln House. It was constructed of wood, was two stories in height, and was opened to the public January 1, 1855. The proprietor then was D. M. Jackson, who, in 1857, purchased it of the Town Site Company, and, after keeping it a few years, sold it to a Mr. Holderman. He, being unable to pay for it, gave it up, and it came again into the Town Site Company's possession. In 1868, they sold it to Henry Palmer, who changed the name to the Eagle Hotel, and kept it until it was destroyed by fire, on the 19th of April, 1870. During Mr. Holderman's time a third story was added, and during Mr. Palmer's time a brick addition built to it. Among the merchants locating, from 1853 to 1857, may be mentioned B. & F. M. Hinrichsen, Edgar & Johnson, Kahn Brothers, Howser & Metcalf, John W. Logan, G. F. Stillman, Bowser Higgins, Kelso & Boren, and T. Blackburn. The first hall in town was built by George Musick, in 1855, and occupied the present site of Dustin's bank. It remained there until 1878, when it was removed to make room for the erection of the bank. During its tune, it was used for religious services, public meetings, by secret societies. for dances, or for almost any gathering. It is now used as the Central House. Until 1856, every house, except the depot, was built of wood. The court-house was completed early in that year. These were of brick, and were the first buildings in town built of this material. The first brick business house was built about the middle of the Lincoln House block, fronting Chicago street. Across the street, south, quite a number of frame buildings were built, some of which are yet occupied. In 1854 or 55, an elevator was built by Roach & Hansby, across the street, west from Longs grocery. Before this, it was a very common sight to see piles of sacks of grain, waiting shipment. As there was no place to store grain, the farmers would pile it along the railroad, cover it with canvas or board, and leave it until a car could be obtained. In 1865, this elevator was sold to Boyden & Barrett, who enlarged and remodeled it, and continued in the trade until January, 1877, when it came into the hands of Mr. M. W'. Barrett, who yet controls it. He ships about fifteen hundred car-loads of grain, chiefly corn, per year, or over six hundred thousand bushels. This generally goes to Eastern markets. About the same time this elevator was erected, William M. Dustin built an elevator, now the Logan Mills. Here he and B. H. Brainard opened the first bank in Lincoln. In 1867, the elevator was changed to a mill, and, as such, is yet running. These mills are leased by John Blake, and make about seventy-five barrels of flour daily. The Lincoln Mills were built, in 1856, by William Roach, at an expense of $10,000. The present proprietor, L. C. Richter, bought the property in 1859, and has run it since that time, with the exception of three years. The capacity of this mill is about seventy-five barrels daily. The Elliott Mills were built in 1861, by J. F. D. Elliott, at a cost of $10,000. This mill is three stories in height, and has a capacity to manufacture one hundred and fifty barrels of flour daily. The mill is now owned and run by Elliott, Congdon & Co. A second elevator was erected in 1865.

A third elevator was lately built by a company, and in 1871 was sold to John D. Gillett, who leased it to Mr. Pegram. One or two other firms operate in grain here, but have no mills or elevators. From what is shown, Lincoln is one of the best grain markets in the state, and is the best in the county. It is estimated that an average of over twenty carloads of freight are sent from Lincoln daily; this includes, however, cattle and all kinds of grain.

In addition to the hall built by George Musick in 1855, one was erected in 1857 by Logan Cox & Co., for the use of the Masonic fraternity. The Odd Fellows' Hall was built by William Roach this same year. By the year 1857, quite a number of houses had been erected, both as business houses and dwellings, and by the year 1862, over two thousand people lived in town, and the trade was assuming vast proportions. The Methodists had built a church in 1857 (now the Presbyterian Church), and other denominations were preparing to occupy the field. A good school was started, the town was incorporated, and Lincoln began to show signs of solid improvement. In 1867, John D. Gillett, who has erected more fine buildings in town than any other, began the building of a large three-story brick building on the corner of Broadway and Kickapoo Street. Tile next year he built two large stores on Broadway, over which is a hall used for lectures, theaters, dances, etc. In 1871, he built two stores on Kickapoo Street. In 1873, there were erected the Musick block, two stores; Latham's block, four stores (Col. Latham has erected almost as many buildings as Mr. Gillett); the Dustin block, six stores; Parker's block, four stores; the Brewer block, four stores; the National Bank block, two stores; G. W. Webb, two; while a number of one-room stores were constructed, in addition to many dwellings, shops, and houses of various kinds. In 1874, the Hart's block, containing six stores, was erected; also, the Commercial Hotel, by William Shea, and many smaller buildings. Martin Spoitle, who came to Postville in 1850, opened the Western House in 1860. Five years later he erected the Spitly House, giving the name the English spelling. In 1868, Hungerford & Beach erected a large planing mill. This they successfully operated until May, 1870, when, with all its contents, it was destroyed by fire. The loss was fully $15,000. They have since rebuilt, and are still conducting the same business.

Since the war, business has improved rapidly. Several large brick business houses have been erected. Three good wagon-makers have large shops; quite a number of smaller ones are seen, and a variety of other trades-people find constant employment here. The present Lincoln Hotel, the largest in town, as well as in the county, was built by John D. Gillett during the summer of 1875. It occupies the site of the old Lincoln House, and is one hundred and eight by one hundred and nine feet in size. The basement and lower story are occupied as stores, while the second, third and fourth are used as the hotel proper. The cost of the structure was about $50,000. During this same year, about one hundred dwellings were erected in town.

Lincoln has at various times suffered disastrously from fire. Before 1870, or for seventeen years after the first buildings were erected, fires rarely occurred. With the exception of the court house, burned on the night of April 14, 1857, only four small buildings were destroyed during the years mentioned. Since April 1, 1870, the city has been visited by that destroyer not less than ten times, each occasion laying waste valuable property. On April 8, 1870, the Eagle Hotel was destroyed. On the 13th of May, 1871, Hungerford's planing mill and several adjacent buildings were burned, involving a loss of $20,000. On the night of December 16, 1871, between eleven and twelve o'clock, a fire was discovered in the rear of the old Craig building, on Broadway, and within an hour all the buildings on the northwest half of that block were in ashes.The loss at this fire was over $50,000. The Brewer block was burned on March $, 1872, when four stores were swept away. On March 5, 1873, a fire was discovered in the second story of the building occupied by Harts & Eves as a bakery. The fire that followed burned all the buildings on Pulaski Street from the alley to Kickapoo Street., and thence on that street to Latham's block. This was a most disastrous fire, being in the midst of the business portion of the city. The next. fire occurred on June 9, 1874, commencing in A. Keil's building, on Chicago Street, and consuming all the frame buildings to Pulaski Street and on the north side of this street. to the alley. On the 4th of July following, A. S. Guthrie's livery stable, Crandal's carpenter shop, Uhler's grocery, McCrary's restaurant, Selley's marble shop, and W. D. Wyatt's office were all burned. Since that date, but few fires have occurred.

The buildings now erected are almost always of brick, and caution is taken in their construction, thereby preventing the recurrence of these disasters. The city's business portion now presents substantial buildings, and danger from this source is materially lessened. Lincoln was incorporated under the general law in 1855. Two years later, under a special act, and continued thus until 1865, when the two towns of Postville and Lincoln united and formed the present city of Lincoln. This was necessary for the good of each town, and as the limits of Lincoln by that date extended to those of Postville, no necessity for two organizations existed. The name of Postville was therefore dropped, and it became the Fourth ward of Lincoln. Had the desire of its people been carried out in the removal of the county seat to its first habitation, Lincoln would never have existed; but the former town being off the railroad, and its property very much shrunken in value, and having no moneyed, energetic men to push its interests, it gave way to its more powerful competitor.


Lincoln was incorporated under the general state law, as a town, early in the year 1855. During the spring of that year, a form of government being necessary, the first board of village officers were elected. It consisted of the following persons: Ezra Boren, Geo. W. Edgar, Hopkins C. Judy, Robert Leslie, and John E. Cummins. These were sworn in office by David T. Lee. At their first meeting they organized by electing Geo. W. Edgar, President of the Board, and J. E. Cummings, Clerk. The board then appointed Geo. W. Stillman, Street Commissioner; J. W. Ratikin, Assessor; Joseph F. Benner, Treasurer; and Leroy F. Brown, Constable. At the next meeting, held on November 19, ordinances for the government of the town were adopted; the evenings for the regular meetings of the board were appointed, and the boundaries of the town defined. The clause in the minutes of the proceedings of the board, relating to the limits of the town, reads as follows: " The limits of the town of Lincoln, shall be the northwest quarter of section thirty-one, town twenty, range two west of the third principal meridian; the east half of the northeast quarter of section thirty-six, town twenty, range three west of the third principal meridian; and the east half of the southeast quarter of section thirty-five, town twenty, range three west of the third principal meridian." This territory comprised three bundred and twenty acres. The original town plat contained about one hundred acres, but ere long was increased by numerous additions, the principal ones being made by Col. Latham, Mr. Wyatt and Mr. Gillett. The proceedings of the first meetings of the trustees, the town charter, its amendments, and the ordinances adopted, were published in the Illinois Citizen, then conducted by Messrs. Reed & Austin.

Ere long the sale of intoxicating liquors began to attract attention, and the board were compelled to adapt means to regulate its sale. Hence, on the 19th of January, 1856, an ordinance was passed requiring a license to be obtained, and regulating, the sale of the article. The license was fixed at $300.00 and a bond of $500.00 was also required, Licenses regulating peddlers and other itinerant tradesmen were also required, and fines established in case of the failure of those interested obtaining them. The name of the paper already referred to had changed to the Lincoln Citizen and in it were published the ordinances recently adopted. The high liquor license and bond were however, at subsequent meetings of the board reduced. As the town grew in population and business, the necessity of its incorporation as a village, to enable it to comply better and more fully with the existing laws, and to better maintain its government, became evident, and on Feb. 18, 1857, the act incorporating the town of Lincoln was approved by the Governor and became a law. A new board of trustees was elected, of which James S. Jones was appointed clerk. The proceeding of these meetings, as well as all the public printing at that date, were published in the Logan County Democrat, edited by Mr. H. H. Simmons.

Under this act, with various changes, Lincoln existed as a town until 1865, when, by an act of the legislature approved Feb. 16, the two towns of Postville, the old county seat, and Lincoln were united under the name of the "City of Lincoln." From the records of the Board of Trustees of the town of Lincoln, it appears that the trustees of Postville were the first to suggest the union of the two towns, thereby forming a city. The reasons for the union were urgent and obvious. Lincoln was on the railroad. It was also the county seat. The additions made to the latter town had extended its limits to the boundaries of Postville, and a casual observer would have supposed the two towns were indeed one. After a conference between the two Town Boards, it was agreed to unite the two, and give the town so formed the name already designated.

Section first of the act reads as follows: "Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in General Assembly: That the towns of Postville and Lincoln, in Logan County, Illinois, be and they are hereby merged into one, and be known and called hereafter by the name of The City of Lincoln."

Section second relates to the boundaries of the new town; section third to the additions thereafter to be made to it; section fourth, to the name and style of the city as a corporate body; and section fifth, to the division of the city into four wards. The charter further specified the officers of the city, their duties, terms of office, salaries and fees, and manner of election.

The officers to be chosen were a Mayor, City Justice, City Treasurer, and two Aldermen from each ward. The Town Board of Lincoln, at a meeting on March 2, 1865, ordered that the election be held in each ward at the school house therein on March 13, to fill these offices.

The votes being counted on the evening of election day, Joseph C. Webster was declared elected Mayor, Joseph T. Benner, City Justice, and Solomon Kahn, City Treasuer. The Aldermen from the First Ward were Marvin Brewer, elected for two years, and Franklin Fisk, one year. From the Second Ward, T. F. Ladue, for two years, A. M. Fellows, for one year. From the Third Ward, Hiram Sherman and Lot H. Crawford, each of whom received an equal number of votes; and from the Fourth Ward, J. M. Shackleford, for two years, and J. F. Boy, for one year. At the first meeting of the City Council, the Aldermen from the Third Ward drew lots to determine who should hold the office two years. The lot fell to Mr. Sherman, who took his seat accordingly.

At the first meeting of the Council, W. D. Wyatt was chosen City Clerk, James Coddington, Assessor, W. D. Wyatt, Attorney, and Charles C. Brackett, Marshal.

Among the important acts of the State Legislature demanding attention, was the act to establish graded schools in towns and cities, and to provide for their maintenance. This act was approved Feb. 16, 1865, and among the earliest. acts of the Council of Lincoln was the order for an election to be held in each ward in the city to choose one director therefrom, all oŁ whom, when elected, were to constitute the Board of Education for the city. This election was held on Tuesday, the 11th day of April, 1865, and resulted in the choice of one director from each ward, who constituted this board until they were succeeded by the Board of Inspectors, elected in 1867.

From the union of the two towns the rapid, substantial growth of Lincoln, began, Each year brought a new set of officers, all of whom made the welfare of the city the paramount interest, and all labored for its advancement. We subjoin here the list of officers for the City of Lincoln, and their terms of service. It will, however, be observed that the result of the election of each year only is given, one-half of the Aldermen holding two years:

1865.--Mayor, Joseph C. Webster; Clerk, W. D. Wyatt; City Justice, Joseph F. Benner, elected for four years; Treasurer, Solomon Kahn; Attorney, W. D. Wyatt; Councilmen, First Ward, Marvin Brewer and Franklin Fisk; Second Ward, T. F. Ladue and A. M. Fellows; Third Ward, Hiram Sherman and Lot H. Crawford; Fourth Ward, J. M. Shackleford and J. F. Boy; Marshal, C. C. Brackett.

1866.--Mayor, Silas Reason; Clerk, J. F. Benner; Treasurer, S. Kahn; Attorney, Rufus Mayfield; Marshal, J. S. Randolph; Street Commissioner, James H. Russell; Councilmen elected, First Ward, John Wyatt; Second Ward, A. C. Boyd; Third Ward, Henry Sturges; Fourth Ward, David Bumcrats.

1867.--Mayor, Silas Beacon; Clerk, J. F. Benner; Treasurer, S. Kahn; Attorney, James T. Hoblitt; Marshal, Walter B. McNeal; Street Commissioner, James H. Russell; Councilmen elected, First Ward, Mark W. Barrett; Second Ward, T. F. Ladue; Third Ward, E. P. Hurlbut; Fourth Ward, John F. Boy.

1868.--Mayor, Silas Reason; Clerk, Albert Cadwallader; Marshal, W. B. McNeal; Attorney, Edmund Lynch; St. Com., Samuel Switzer. Councilmen elected, First Ward, J. C. Ross; Second, J. A. Niles; Third, John N. Lipp and John S. Randolph; Fourth, Hamilton Tibbetts.

1869.--Mayor, Colby Knapp; Clerk, Geo. W. Montague; Attorney, James T. Hoblitt; Marshal, Thos. B. Parker; City Justice, Joseph F. Benner; Treasurer, S. Kahn; St. Com., Samuel Switzer. Councilmen elected, First Ward, N. E. Pegram; Second, F. C. W. Koehnle; Third, Israel McCord; Fourth, Henry Rathburn and W. A. Cowdrey.

1870.--Mayor, George Warren; Clerk, G. W. Montague;; Attorney, Edmund Lynch; Treasurer, S. Kahn; St. Com., Samuel Switzer. Councilmen elected, First Ward, H. F. Elliott; Second, Nelson Andrew; Third, Win. P. Randolph; Fourth, J. M. Shackleford. For this year, owing to a law passed in the General Assembly, two additional supervisors were allowed for the city of Lincoln; one for that part of the city included in East Lincoln Township, the first and second wards, and one for the third and fourth wards, or that part of the city in West Lincoln Township. For the First and Second Wards, T. J. Larison was elected, and for the Third and Fourth, A. R. Crihfield.

1871.--Mayor, Abram Mayfield; Clerk, G. W. Montague; Attorney, Edmond Lynch; Treasurer, S. Kahn; Marshal, T. J. Larison; St. Com., P. H. Beach. Councilmen elected, First Ward, N. E. Pegram; Second, H. Maltby; Third, James Congden; Fourth, H. Rathburn. First and Second Ward Supervisor, Win. Markworth; Third and Fourth, A. R. Crihfield.

1872.--Mayor, Abram Mayfield; Clerk, C. M. Knapp; Attorney, T. T. Beach; Treasurer, S. Kahn; Marshal, David Hummell; St. Com., P. H. Beach. Councilmen elected, First Ward, H. F. Elliott; Second, Hiram Sherman; Third, Silas Benson; Fourth, John J. Russell. Supervisor, First and Second Wards, Simon Rock; Third and Fourth, A. R. Crihfield.

1873.--Mayor, Abram Mayfield; Clerk, C. M. Knapp; Treasurer, S. Kahn; Attorney, E. G. Hudson; City Justice, P. B. Knight; Marshal, R. B. Fryar; St. Com., H. M. Levally. Councilmen elected; First Ward, H. Simonton; Second, James Ritchey; Third, Win. Hargadine; Fourth, Daniel Baldwin. Supervisor, First and Second Wards, Simon Rock; Third and Fourth, A. R. Crihfield.

1874.--Mayor, Abram Mayfield; Clerk, C. M. Knapp; Treasurer, S. Kahn; Attorney, E.. G. Hudson; Marshal, R. B. Fryar; St. Coin., H. M. Levally. Councilmen elected, First Ward, John Wyatt; Second, H. Sherman; Third, W. H. Rigdon; Fourth, John J. Russell. Supervisor, First and Second Wards, H. Abbott; Third and Fourth, Israel McCord.

1875.--Mayor, Abram Mayfield; Clerk, C. M. Knapp; Treasurer, S. Kahn; Attorney, C. J. Forsyth; Marshal, Charles Phelps; St. Com., H. M. Levally. Councilmen elected, First Ward, H. Simonton; Second, S. Rock; Third, J. B. Montague; Fourth, George L. Oglevie. At the session of the legislature the winter previous to this election, the offices of the additional supervisors were abolished.

1876.--Mayor, Silas Benson; Clerk, C. M. Knapp; Treasurer, S. Kahn; Attorney, C. J. Forsyth; Marshal, R. B. Fryar; St. Com., Isaac Acken. Councilmen elected, First Ward, John Wyatt; . Second, James A. Hudson; Third, Win. Hargadine; Fourth, John J. Russell.

1877.--Mayor, Silas Reason; Clerk, C. M. Knapp; Treasurer, S. Kahn; Attorney, M. W. Stokes; Marshal, Win. J. Pettitt; City Justice, P. B. Knight; St. Com., Isaac Acken. Councilmen elected, First Ward, N. E. Pegram and Abram Mayfield; Second, Simon Rock; Third, James H. Russell; Fourth, Charles White.

Of all the officers in the foregoing list, it will be observed that Mr. Solomon Kahn has held the office of treasurer since the first election.

The city was lighted with gas in the summer of 1878. In February of that year, Dr. A. M. Miller, S. A. Foley and D. Turnbolt formed a company with a capital of $42,000 for the manufacture of gas. The works were completed on the 6th of July, since which time gas has been regularly supplied to the customers. The post-office was first established in a room on the sight of Pierron & Son's drug store. The postmaster was Michael Hinrichsen; the second was Robert Leslie, now of Elkhart. He retained the office until after Lincoln's election to the presidency the first time. He was succeeded by J. S. Metcalf, who retained the office until the present postmaster, A. D. Cadwallader, was appointed.


Previous to July, 1867, the public schools of the city were under the control of a Board of Directors, in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois; the Superintendent of schools for Logan County, having general supervision over the same.

In October, 1866, the number of children, between the ages of six and twenty-one years, was found by the census to be 893. The aggregate attendance during the year ending July, 1867, was 619; and the average attendance during the same time was 353; and eight teachers were employed in the schools. At that time there were only five school buildings in the city, containing seven rooms, as follows: The Grammar school, one house in the first ward, and one in the second, with two rooms each, and one room in each of the third and fourth wards. The school rooms were poorly seated, and very little furniture and conveniences for teacher and pupil were found in them.

On the first day of July, 1867, the city council passed an "Ordinance in Relation to Public Schools," thereby creating the "Board of School Inspectors," and giving them exclusive controlof the city schools, independent of the State and County organization. On the third Monday in July, the council appointed, as provided by said ordinance, the first Board of Inspectors, which consisted of:

A. M. Miller, first ward; J. F. Hyde, second ward; W. J. Ross, third ward; D. H. Warren, fourth ward; G. S. Dana, F. C. W. Koehnle, city at large.

The first meeting of the Board was held on the 17th of July, at which time A. M. Miller was elected chairman, and the following standing committees were appointed, to-wit:

On Examination of Teachers--Miller, Hyde and Dana.

On School Buildings and Grounds--Koehnle, Warren and Ross.

On Rules and Regulations--Hyde, Koehnle and Ross.

On Text Books and Course of Instruction--Dana, Hyde and Warren.

The Board adopted a set of rules, for the government of teachers and pupils; a uniform system of text books, to be used in the schools; and a course of instruction for a graded school, consisting of nine grades in three departments, as follows:

Grammar Department.--1st and 2d Grades.

Intermediate Department.--3d, 4th and 5th Grades.

Primary Department.--6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Grades.

The schools were opened on the first Monday in September, under the new organization, with eleven teachers, under the superintendence of J. F. Hyde.

The city council had, in the months of July and August, built a new house, in the 4th ward, and added a story to the 4th ward house (which was of brick), re-seated all the old rooms with good seats; furnished each room with a clock, desk, bell, chairs, etc., for the comfort and convenience of teachers. During the first month, the school became so much crowded, that it was found necessary to rent three rooms, and employ two more teachers (there being 440 pupils in six rooms, with eight teachers).

By the census of July, 1867, there were found to be 1,296 children between the ages of six and twenty-one years, and during the year closing July, 1868, there was an aggregate attendance of 914, and the average was 487, showing a gain over the previous year of 48 per cent in aggregate, and 38 per cent in average attendance. Yet it appears that many who were eligible to attend school, as seen by the census, could not be admitted and receive that share of instruction which pupils ought to receive in public schools. However, there was a marked improvement in the schools. The superintendent was constantly employed in visiting, and aiding the teachers in their work; monthly meetings were held for consultation; pupils manifested an interest in their studies, and all worked faithfully and harmoniously together, from day to day, during the whole year.

To remedy in part the want of sufficient accommodations, the city council caused to be erected two new buildings, in the summer of 1868, one in the First Ward, and one in the north part of the Fourth Ward.

The office of superintendent having been dispensed with, no general record of the progress of the schools was kept for the succeeding two years.

In the summer of 1869, preparations were made to erect a large central school-house. A lot of ground known as the Wright block, situated between Union and Maple, and Seventh and Eighth streets, in the central part of the city, was purchased at a cost of $5,000. The plan of the building furnished by T. F. Ladue, Esq., was adopted by the council, the building commenced and enclosed before the end of the year. This structure is sixty-four by ninety-five feet on the ground, three stories high above the basement, and seventy-five feet to the top of the dome, containing eleven goodsized school-rooms -- four on each of the first and second floors, and three on the third -- together with two recitation rooms, a large hall, and numerous wardrobes, closets; etc., for the convenience of teachers and pupils. During the spring and summer of 1870, the house was finished and furnished with the most improved seats and furniture of the present day. The whole cost of the lot, building, furniture and heating apparatus (Ruttan's patent) is about $50,000, and is one of the best school edifices of its size in the state: It is an ornament to the city, a credit to the mechanics who constructed it, and a monument of pride to the citizens generally, who have to defray the expense of the same.

The schools are divided into. eleven grades, the eleventh being the lowest, and the first the highest grade. They are further designated as Primary, Intermediate, Grammar and High School departments.

The Primary consists of the eleventh, tenth and ninth grades; the Intermediate of the eighth, seventh and sixth grades; the Grammar of the fifth, fourth, third and second grades; and the High School of the first grade. Editor's Note: This is exactly as published.

Pupils are not entitled to promotion unless they have taken all of the studies of their grade, and have passed a creditable examination in each.

At the beginning of the school year, September, 1873, it was found that, owing to circumstances which could not easily be controlled, children who properly belonged to the ward schools, had been allowed to attend school in the "High School" building.

Since then, the following plan has been adopted: No pupil, once admitted to the High School building, has been transferred to another school, except at his own request; but when pupils who have attended other schools, or new pupils, have applied for admission, they have been admitted in accordance with the following rules:

1. All pupils from the Second Ward.

2. Pupils from the First Ward who are prepared for any grade above the ninth.

3. Pupils from the Third Ward, except those living near the Third Ward school house. Of the latter, only those who are prepared for the "A" class, fourth grade, or any grade above the fourth.

4. Applicants from the Fourth Ward, living south of Ninth street, who are prepared to enter either the second grade or the High School.

5. All pupils of the Fourth Ward, residing north of Ninth street, who are prepared to enter any grade above the fifth.

The school year is divided into three terms, the first beginning on the first Monday of September, and ending on Friday before Christmas. The second begins on the first Monday after New Year's, and ends the last Friday of March. The third term begins on the first Monday of April, and closes the Friday before the middle of June.

The attendance is now about 1,000. Twenty-one teachers are employed. Mr. W. F. Bromfield is the superintendent.

Mr. J. F. Hyde, teacher in the Fourth Ward, conducts a commercial school during the winter months. It is well patronized, and is a good school.


Lincoln contains fifteen organized churches, the oldest of which is the Methodist Episcopal. Prior to the survey of Lincoln, this denomination had a class here, and conducted services, the charge being a mission of Mt. Pulaski. Their first preaching place was the First ward school house, which they occupied until 1857, when they erected a house of worship, now owned and occupied by the Presbyterians. Among the more prominent members at the organization were Dr. A. C. Wood. W. P. Randolph, Robert Leslie, G. W. Brady, and Henry Johnson. Their first pastor was probably Rev. W. B. M. Colt, some of whose successors have been Revs. J. B. Houts, Preston Wood, W. R. Goodwin, J. G. Little, M. A. Hews, G. W. Gray, and M. D. Hawes. The present pastor is Rev. George Stevens. After occupying their first church edifice until 1867, they found it becoming inadequate to the increasing demands of the membership; and sold it to the Presbyterians. They at once began the erection of their present house of worship, a large brick structure, which cost when completed $25,000. The corner stone was laid July 10, 1868, and in it were placed the following articles: A Bible, hymn book, the book of discipline, an almanac, the church periodicals, several pieces of coin, copies of the Lincoln Herald and Lincoln Intelligencer, photograph of President Lincoln, copy of the emancipation proclamation, photographs of Mr. and Mrs. George Parker, and a few other articles. The church was opened and dedicated by Rev. Hiram Buck, Sunday, December 27, 1868. The membership of this church is now about 1300.

The Christian Church was organized in a warehouse, in the spring of 187, with twenty-five or thirty members, prominent among whom were T. H. Denny and Hopkins Judy, who were at that time chosen elders. The congregation afterward leased Boren 's Ball, and occasionally used the Methodist Church, until they had constructed their own house of worship so it could be used. This was done in 1857, but it remained in an unfinished condition several years. Among their prominent ministers have been Revs. J. M. Allen, J. S. Sweeny, Alexander Johnson, Allen Rice, Charles Berry, George Oven, H. D. Clark, B. W. Johnson, T. V. Berry, and Richard Johnson. The present pastor is Rev. T. T. Holton. The membership is now about one hundred and fifty.

The German and Irish Catholic Churches were at first one charge. As such they were organized in 1857. They at first held services in private houses.. This year, however, they completed a house of worship, and continued as one congregation until 1867, when they separated. The German Catholics retained the building. The Irish Catholics at once erected their present house of worship. Each of the congregations support schools in connection with their churches, and are in a flourishing condition.

The A. M. E. Church was organized in 1868 or '69, with three members. These were Smelser Donegan and wife and Lucinda Allen. They met in Mr. Donegan's house about eight months, when they purchased the old High School building, which they still use for a church. They have now nearly a hundred members, and a Sunday school of fifty scholars.

The Baptist Church (colored) was constituted in the spring of 1874. During the summer of 1876, they erected their house of worship. They organized. with about twelve members, and have progressed well since.

The Protestant Episcopal Church was organized as a parish July 3, 1871, under the name of Trinity Church, and occasional services were held from that time until May, 1873, when the Rev. Wm. Willson, of Connecticut, took charge of the parish. Regular services were held by him in Gillett's Hall, and immediate action was taken for the erection of a proper church building, on lots donated for that purpose by S. A. Foley, Esq. On September 12th following, the first service was held in the new edifice. The church, which is a neat Gothic structure, of wood, consists of a nave, with recessed chancel and two wings, which are used as vestry and literary rooms, and is plainly furnished and carpeted throughout; the windows are all of stained glass, and the building lighted with gas. The estimated cost is $3,500.

The Evangelical Church (St. John's) was originally organized by a union of the Lutheran and Reformed Churches, and increased quite rapidly until it reached 300 members. In 1873, some of the Lutheran members left and formed a church of their own. At that time the church was without a pastor for about six months, which somewhat retarded its growth. The present pastor, Rev. J. G. Ade, took charge of the congregation in 1874. There is connected with this church a Woman's Christian Association, organized in 1874, which has at present over sixty members; also a private school, for the purpose of giving instruction in religious principles and the German language.

The German Evangelical Lutheran Church, which was organized in 1872, purchased the Congregational Church, refitted the same, and purchased an adjoining house and lot for a parsonage, erected a commodious school-room on the premises, in which is maintained a private school for the instruction of scholars in the German language.

The Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized on Saturday. Feb. 2, 1857, by Rev. Thornton K. Hedges, with sixteen members. Among these were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. John Howser, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Medcalf, Mr. and Mrs. John Horney, Mr. and Mrs. John Crang, Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Hedges. G. W. Edgar, John Howser and J. S. Medcalf were chosen elders. The congregation erected the church now used by the St. John's congregation, which house they occupied until 1866, when they erected their present edifice. The pastors in order have been Revs. T. L. Hedges, James White, R. G. Carden, W. W. Medcalf, J. C. Van Patten and E. J. Gillespie. The present pastor is J. W. Poindexter, D.D. The membership consists of 250 active resident members, and about 100 hundred transient communicants. The Sunday-school numbers 250 scholars, under the superintendency of Prof. B. F. McCord. Dr. McGlumphy, D.D., was superintendent here ten years and did much for the prosperity of the school. At the laying of the corner stone of this church, in the summer of 1868, the following articles were deposited in its cavity : One Bible, one copy "Confession of Faith," of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, one psalm and hymn book, one church record, one copy Western Cumberland Presbyterian, published at Alton, Illinois; one copy same paper published at Waynesburg, Penn.; one copy Lincoln Herald; one copy Lincoln Intelligencer; one copy Banner of Peace, and a copy of other church papers. The church was erected at an expense of about $10.000.

The Congregationalist Church was organized on March 12, 1859, in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The first meeting to consider the advisability of forming the church was held by those professing adherence to this church, in the house of S. F. Eager, Feb. 14th, previously. At the organization eleven persons presented certificates of membership and were received. They were: Stephen Barnum, John Crang, Samuel F. Eager, Wm. Hungerford, S. M. Hungerford, Elizabeth Crang, Priscilla G. Barnum, Mary W. Carpenter, Elizabeth C, Eager, Fanny Eager, and Helen C. Barnum. They met for divine services at first in Musick's Hall. In the summer of 1863 they erected a house of worship, which they occupied until 1869, when they sold it to the German Evangelical Lutherans, and being unable to support a pastor, remained until 1875 without a house of worship. They erected a church that year, which they yet use. Their first pastor was Rev. H. W. Cobb, who presided at the organization. The succeeding pastors were Revs. R. S. McCord, H. S. Clark, A. E. Blackburn, H. D. Platt,, and the present pastor, Rev. Seth M. Wilcox. The present membership is thirty-two; the attendance at Sunday-school sixty-five. The Superintendent is Geo. A. Brown.

The Universalist Church is now unorganized.

The Protestant Methodist Church has been in existence several years, and is in a good condition.

The Baptist Society was organized April 19, 1856, with nine members. They were: J. C. Webster, C. B. Hukill, Geo. F. Stillman, Jane M. C. Stillman, Robert Snow, William Patterson, Margaret A. Patterson, S. Z. Millard and Robert Wilson. Of these, Robert Wilson anal Margaret Patterson are now members; the others having removed or died. Rev. Thomas C. Reese was the first pastor. A house of worship was erected in 1857, and in 1864 sold to the German Catholics. They then erected their present church at a cost of $6,000; $1,200 was paid far the lot. Rev. S. J. Goodsell became pastor in 187, and remained till 1860, when his death occurred. Rev. C. Garrison was called to the vacancy that year, and occupied the pulpit two years. He was succeeded in June, 1862, by Rev. A. M. Bacon; he by E. J. Cressey, and in 1867, he by Rev. Chauncey Wardner, of New York. He was followed by Rev. A. B. White, of Ohio, who remained two years. Rev. J. W. Icenbarger next occupied the pulpit, remaining about three years. The present membership is 135, and the attendance at Sunday-school, 120.


On the 18th of April, 1874, a public meeting was held at the C. P. Church, for the purpose of establishing a Public Library and Free Reading Room. At this meeting Col. R. B. Latham was chosen Chairman and Prof. D. M. Harris, Secretary. S. A. Foley presented a constitution, which was adopted. A committee of fourteen ladies was appointed to solicit subscriptions to the capital stock of the association. At a meeting held ten days later, this committee reported one hundred, and forty-four shares of ten dollars each subscribed, and the association was fully organized by the election of the following officers: R. B. Latham, President; M. Hinrichsen, Vice-President; D. M. Harris, Corresponding Secretary; P. P. Murray, Recording Secretary; and W. M. Dustin, Treasurer. S. A. Foley, F. Fisk, B. H. Brainard, Mrs. N. E. Pegram, M. W. Barren and Mrs. D. M. Harris were made Directors, who appointed a purchasing committee, consisting of Dr. A. M. Miller, Dr. S. Sargent, Rev. L. P. Crawford, Mrs. J. A. Lutz and Mrs. J. T. Hoblit.

A room for the use of the association was fitted up and the first purchase of books put on the shelves about the first of September following, when the library room was formally thrown open to the public. At this time there were 700 volumes belonging to the library, which number has been added to till it is now over 1,300. The leading periodicals of the country and some newspapers are kept on the tables.

The room is open every evening and Saturday afternoons, free to all. It is self-sustaining and is destined to be one of the permanent institutions in the town. it is well patronized by the public, 3,600 volumes being drawn from the room during the year ending April 1, 1877.

The present officers of the association are: F. Fisk, President; A. Mayfield, Vice-President; A. M. Hahn, Cor. Secretary; L. M. Sims, Rec. Secretary; W. M. Dustin, Treasurer; and Wm. C. McMasters, Librarian. Directors, S. A. Foley, M. Hinrichsen, F. B. Mills, J. C. Ross, J. A. Lutz and N. E. Pegram. Book Committee, Dr. A. M. Miller, Rev. L. P. Crawford, Mrs. T. A. Lutz, Mrs. S. A. Foley and Mrs. N. E. Pegram.


The oldest paper in the city is the Lincoln Herald. It has had a continuous existence since its establishment in 1855. It was founded by Moudy & Fuller, who, in 1856, sold to Joseph Reed. He conducted it one year and sold to a joint stock company of twelve persons. These employed 0. C. Dake to edit the paper, and under his management it was conducted until 1860, when A. B. McKenzie purchased a controlling interest in the paper. He at once associated with himself Henry Sturges, who remained until Oct., 1861, when he went to the army. Mr. McKenzie continued the paper until 1863, when he sold to J. C. Webster, former circuit clerk, and the first mayor of Lincoln. In January, 1866, he sold to Andrew McGalliard, now owner of the only exclusively job printing house in the county. Mr. MeGalliard kept the Herald until January 1, 1873, -- seven years, when being elected circuit clerk, he sold to Smith & Mills. This firm continued the publication of the Herald until 1877, when Mr. Smith retired, leaving Mr. Mills sole owner. It represents the interests of the Republican party, and is an ably conducted paper. This paper absorbed the Logan County Democrat, established almost as early as the Herald, by a stock company, who managed it until about 1864, when it was sold to Samuel Johnson, who changed the name to the Logan County Courier, and as such was purchased by Mr. J. C. Webster when owning the Herald, and by whom it was merged into the latter paper. In 1867, the Statesman was established by Thomas J. Sharp, who conducted it several years. In May, 1873, the Journal was founded by Wallace Nall, who in December sold to R. B. Forrest. About the same time Samuel Reed purchased the Statesman, and he and Mr. Forrest formed a partnership, uniting the papers, thereby forming the present Lincoln Times. In December, 1875, Wallace Nall and brother purchased the entire interest and have since managed the paper. In addition to the Times they run a German paper, the Logan County Volksblatt. This paper was founded by these gentlemen in June, 1877. About the same time E. F. L. Rautenberg, established the Journal, a German paper, which in October, was purchased by the proprietors of the Times. By them it was merged into the Volksblatt.

In February, 1874, Sharp's Weekly Statesman was founded by Thomas J. Sharp. He managed it until November, 1875, when he associated with himself Col. W. D. Wyatt. They started the Daily Statesman in connection with it. In April, 1876, Mrs. Anna Wyatt became owner, the name changed to Daily News, and Col. Wyatt remained as editor until August, when the office was leased to Samuel Reed, who conducted it till March 17, 1877, when it was purchased by Joseph B. Bates, who changed the name to the Republican, and is yet managing it. The paper is entirely published in the office here.

In addition to these papers enumerated, the Intelligencer was established in June, 1866, by Henry Sturges. In 1869, the paper was discontinued, and the office removed to Winchester, Scott County, where it was published by D. L. Ambrose, for some time a resident of Mt. Pulaski.

The Logan County Bee has just been established by Mr. George L. Shoals, editor of the Atlanta Argus. Its special feature is a weekly correspondence from every township in the county.


The subjoined history of this college is from the pen of Mr. J. F. Hyde, teacher in the city schools, and compiler of the Lincoln Directory.

The proposition to found a college here was first made by Revs. James Ritchey and Elam McCord, in the Synod of Indiana, at its meeting held in 1864; and was heartily advocated by Revs. Azel Freeman, D.D., A. J. Strain, and other members of the Synod. The proposition as made, was to include, in addition to the Synod of Indiana, the Synods of Sangamon, Central Illinois, and Illinois, in the State of Ilionois; and the Synod of Iowa; all of which espoused the cause with the spirit and enthusiasm peculiar to the ministry of those states.

Among the most zealous advocates were found such men as Revs. J. B. Logan, J. R. Brown, S. Richards, A. J. McGlumphy, James White and J. C. VanPatton, of Illinois, and Revs. J. R. Lowrance and W. F. Baird, of Iowa.

As soon as the several Synods embraced in the proposition had fully decided to undertake the enterprise, a commission consisting of Rev. S. Richards, for the Synod of Sangamon; Rev. J. C. Smith, for the Synod of Central Illinois; Rev. J. H. Hughey, for the Synod of Illinois; Rev. James Ritchey, for the Synod of Indiana; Rev. J. R. Lowrence, for the Synod of Iowa, was appointed to receive bids and determine upon the location, which was competed for by Newburg, Indiana; Mt. Zion, Cherry Grove, Virginia, and Lincoln, Illinois.

Rev. James White, at that time pastor of the C. P. Church at Lincoln, espoused the cause with zeal and energy; and to his untiring exertions and influence, backed by the hearty assistance of such men as A. C. Boyd, Col. R. B. Latham, and other citizens of Lincoln, is due much of the credit of the final location.

At the suggestion of A. C. Boyd, James White and others, a meeting of the citizens was called at the Court House, in the fall of 1861, which was largely attended, and, notwithstanding that for three years they had been constantly called on for aid to carry on the war, a subscription of over $25,000 was raised as a donation toward defraying the expense of the building, provided the decision of the Commission was favorable to this locality.

Mr. White was appointed a delegate to meet the commissioners at Mt. 'Zion, in February, 1865, to represent the interest of Lincoln, and presented the matter to them in its most favorable light, aided by the large subscription, and the asstirances of the citizens that "The young and flourishing town of Lincoln, as well as the young and prosperous county of Logan, having as yet no institution of learning of a high grade, would hail with joy and pride the location of your college at this place, and would take a lively interest, as well as a commendable pride, in fostering and endowing the institution, and the college would, perhaps, meet with less opposition and competition here than at any other point."

Yet with all this array in his fervor, Mr. White was barely able to secure a visit of the commissioners at this point, so strongly was each member urged and instructed to favor home locations. Succeeding in the object of his mission, however, the commissioners agreed to visit this place on the following day.

The morning was cold, rainy and dreary; yet the citizens came forth to meet the commission with a hearty welcome, and accompanied them to the various sites offered.

The decision of the commission was favorable, and in due time the university, and the hillock on which it stands, was consecrated to the cause of Religion, Art, Science and Culture.

Ground was broken for the erection of the college building on the anniversary of the honored man whose name it bears (suggested by the late John Wyatt, Esq., one of the first trustees). The work of laying the foundation was pushed forward vigorously under the general supervision of A. Mayfield, Esq., and on Thursday, September 14, 1865, the ceremony of laying the corner stone took place on the grounds of the University, in the presence of a large assemblage of Masons, Odd Fellows, and other benevolent associations; the clergy, teachers, returned officers and soldiers of the war, together with many citizens of Logan and surrounding counties, and friends of the institution. The oration was delivered by Governor Richard J. Oglesby. The exercises were interspersed by vocal and instrumental music, and were satisfactorily enjoyed by all present.

In the fall of 1866, the building was so far advanced that it was formally opened for the reception of students.

The building has since been finished and furnished with all the appliances of education found in the best colleges and seminaries, and the spacious grounds surrounding it have been beautified with shade trees and other improvements.

The Presidents of the University have been, 1st: Rev. Azel Freeman, D.D., who served for four years, giving universal satisfaction by his liberal sprint, his zealous piety, his profound learning, which gained for him the esteem and confidence of his students and co-laborers; and his earnest Christian character so firmly impressed itself upon the individuality of the institution that many regretted his retirement.

2d. Rev. J. C. Bowdon, D.D., succeeded to the presidency; but finding the institution under such a substantial oranization, that he contented himself with carrying out the plans already commenced. He remained with the institution until his death, and was succeeded by

3d. Rev. A. J. McGlumphy, D.D., elected to fill the vacancy, which position he still retains.

The University, though under the control of the C. P. Church, is not sectarian in its character. All candidates for admission echo pass a satisfactory examination, and sustain a good moral character, whether male or female, whatever their religious preferences may be, are admitted.

The institution is under the management of a Board of Trustees, consisting of fifteen members -- three from each of the Synods before mentioned -- and working under an act of the Legislature of the State of Illinois, passed February 6, 1865, incorporating the following-named, persons the first Board of Trustees, viz.:

For the Synod of Sangamon--Hon. G. H. Campbell, J. S. Metcalf, Esq., A. Mayfield, Esq.

For the Synod of Illinois--Rev. J. M. Miller, Rev. J. E. Roach, John Wyatt, Esq.

For the Synod of Central Illinois--A. C. Boyd, Esq., James Coddington, Esq., Rev. J. B. Logan.

For the Synod of Iowa--Rev. David Lowry, G. W. Edgar, Esq., J. F. D. Elliott, Esq.

For the Synod of Indiana--Col. R. B. Latham, Rev. Elam McCord, John Howser, Esq.

Following is a complete list of the names of other perons who have held positions on the Board since its organization: Hon. S. C. Parks, Hon. W. B. Jones, Hon. Wm. McGalliard, Hon. Colby Knapp, Rev. F. Bridgeman, Rev. R. C. Hill, Rev. J. C. VanPatton, Rev. W. C. Bell, Rev. H. D. Onyett, Rev. James Ritchey, Rev. J. T. Ferguson, Rev. C. J. Hill, Rev. W. F. Baird, Rev. S. E. Hudson, Thomas McClure, Esq., Samuel Sargent, M.D., Edward Burton, Esq., J. A. Bell, Esq., S. P. Davidson, Esq., Ezra Davis, Esq., A. Clay, Esq., E. J. Secor, Esq., J. S. Randolph, Esq., Alfred Bryan, Esq., J. H. Danley, Esq., J. A. Hudson, Esq., J. U. Starkey, Esq.


Presidents--Hon. G. H. Campbell, two years; Col. R. B. Latham, nine years.

Secretaries--Rev. J. C. VanPatton, five years; Hon. Win. McGalliard, two years; S. N. Bridgeman, one year; Prof. A. R. Taylor, three years.

Treasurers--Col. Colby Knapp, two years; A. C. Boyd, four years; Rev. W. C. Bell, one year; Jas. A. Hudson, four years.

Financial Agents--R. M. Beard, Esq., four years; Rev. J. C. VanPatton, two years; Rev. I. N. Biddle, one year; Rev. J. S. G rider, one year; Rev. J. A. Chase, one year.

The following-named persons have held positions as teachers forming the Faculty of Instruction:

President and Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy-Rev. A. Freeman, D.D., four years; Rev. J. C. Bowdon, D.D., three. years*; Rev. A. J. McGlumphy, D.D., four years. *Dr. Bowden died during his third year and Vice-President A. J. McGlumphy, D.D. filled the place during the remainder of the year, when he was elected to the Presidency.

Professors of Mathematics.--Rev. A. J. McGlumphy, A.M., seven years; Rev. B. F. McCord, A. M., four years.

Professors of Ancient Languages.--Rev. S. Richards, A.M., five years; Rev. D. M. Harris, A. M., six years; Wm. Mariner, A.M., Prof. of Latin, the present year.

Professors of Natural Sciences.--J. F. Latimer, one year; Rev. D. M. Harris, A.M., three, years; A. R. Taylor, Ph. B., five years.

Professor of Elocution.--S. S. Hamill, A.M., five years.

Teachers of Music.--Miss Anna L. Welters, three years; Miss Helen Brewster, two years, Miss Mary E. Gibbs, two years; Miss Dora S. Miller, one year; Miss Laura A. Howell, M.M., one year; Miss Ada Woods, M.M., one year; August Rhu, M.M., two years; F. H. Zimmerman, M.M., the present year.

Professor of Penmanship.--D. R. Lillibridge, M.Acc., two years.

Matrons, and Professors of English Literature.--Mrs. M. E. Miller, one year; Miss Minerva Lindsey, one year; Mrs. C. E. W. Miller, two years; Miss S. J. McCord, B.S., one year.

Professor of Systematic Theology.--Rev. S. Richards, D.D., five years.

Professor of Pastoral Theology.--Rev. J. W. Poindexter, D.D., three years.

Professor of Law.--Hon. R. C. Ewing, one year.

Teachers of Ornamental Painting.--Miss Mary H. Harris, two years; Mrs. I. Wilkinson, one year.

Tutors.--J. R. Starkey, one year; A. H. Mills, two years.

Table showing the number of students in attendance in each scholastic year:

1st year, 171; 2d year, 250; 3d year, 183; 4th year, 211; 5th year, 206; 6th year, 240; 7th year, 185; 8th year, 232; 9th year, 305; 10th year, 271; 11th year, *250 *estimated


There are five Societies connected with the University, devoted to the literary culture of the members.

The names of these Societies are, for ladies, the Neatrophean and Amicitian; for gentlemen, the Amasagacian and Athenian.

The Alumni Society, composed oŁ the graduates of the Institution, now numbers eighty-four members, as shown by the following table:

From class of 1868, 4; class of 1869, 7; class of 1870, 8; class of 1871, 11; class of 1872, 14; class of 1873, 10; class of 1874, 8; clas of 1875, 6; class of 1876, 7; class of 1877, 14. Total, 84.

It will he seen by consulting the statistics embraced in this sketch that the Institution ranks high in an educational point of view, and has so far met with unparalleled success. It is trusted that its future will maintain its good qualities of usefulness in the community, and that the citizens will ever be found reedy to appreciate its merits.