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Lincoln Times, February 24, 1881

We are again called upon to chronicle the departure from this life of an old and highly respected citizen. "Grandpa" Edgel, as he was familiarly called, departed this life for the higher life at 3 o'clock Tuesday morning, Feb. 15, at the advanced age of ninety one years, one month and seven days. He was born on the eastern shore of Maryland on the 8th of January 1790, being the same year in which the capitol of the then thirteen States was removed from New York to Philadelphia, where it was to remain for ten years. George Washington took his seat as the first president of the United States, just eight months and eight days before Henry Edgel was born. There is no doubt he frequently saw the "father of his conntry" and perhaps clasped hands with him on more than one occasion, as he lived in his native State until he was twenty nine years of age. It seems almost incredible that we have just laid in the grave one who lived in the days of Washington and experienced all the realities of colonial settlement and Indian warfare; one who had seen this nation in its infancy, and lived to see it grow to be one of the most powerful and prosperous in the world; one who lived to see the number of the States increase from thirteen to thirty eight. What a history is connected with such a man's life! What thrilling adventures he undoubtedly experienced, and what wonderful sights he must have witnessed! Peace to his ashes, and honored be his name by all who have a reverence for the noble or a respect for the brave. The funeral services were held at the M. E. church, where a large and attentive audience was gathered to pay their last tribute of respect to one who in life was their friend and counselor in every time of need. The services were conducted by Rev. Martin in a very appropriate and affecting manner. He preached from the text, "We must all needs die", which was very fitting on this occasion, showing that "Grandpa Edgell had shunned death for almost a century, but the grim monster had at last overtaken him. His lamp of life had burned a long time until it was very low and finally went out. He left seven children and a large number of grandchildren as relatives to mourn his departure. He had been a consistent member of the M. E. church for more than sixty years. Just a few days before his death he remarked that he would not have much longer to stumble about in this old tabernacle of clay, but that he would receive a new body, with all the vigor of youth, when he would step over the river and walk upon that glorified shore.