Ackard George, renter, Sec. 25; O. Lincoln; dem; liberal; from New York
Adam William, renter, Sec. 14; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Pres; born in Scotland
Adams James, harness-mkr. Hartsburg; dem; liberal; from Illinois
Ahlrichs Frank, renter, Sec. 29; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; German Reformed; from Germany
Ailes James W. farmer, Sec. 35 north; P.O. Boynton, Tazewell County; dem; liberal; from Ohio
Alberson Fred, farm hand, P.O. Hartsburg; rep; from Germany
Alberts Henry, renter, Sec. 5; P.O. Emden; rep; Meth; from Germany
ALBERTS P. J. merchant, Emden; dem; Independent; born in Germany, 1844; he came to Tazewell Co. 1869, and to this County in 1872; married Alta Van Boening (Von Boeming?), in 1872, who was born in Germany; have two children living, Albert and baby; Helena died Nov. 4, 1877
Alexander John, farm hand, P.O. Lincoln; independent; liberal
Applegate A. A. farmer, Sec. 25; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Chris; from Vermont
Arborts Bernert, renter, Sec. 4; P.O. Emden; independent; Meth; from Germany
Aston Jacob, farmer, Sec. 1; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Chris; from Indiana
Atkins George, works for Henry Beers; P.O. Emden
AUKES EHME E. physician and surgeon, Emden; independent; Pres; born in Germany, May 21, 1852; came to Tazewell Co. in 1867, and to this County, June, 1877; graduated as a druggist at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; in 1873 he left Germany, where he read medicine four years at Gottingen, Hannover
Barley C. renter, Sec. 20; P.O.Hartsburg; rep; Bap; from Pennsylvania
Barley Christian H. renter, Sec. 20; P.O.Hartsburg; rep; Bap; from Pennsylvania
Barley D. J. renter, Sec. 20; P.O. Hartsburg;rep; Meth; from Ohio
Barley Fred, farm hand, P.O. Hartsburg; dem; from Maryland
Barley Maurice, farm hand, P.O. Hartsburg; rep; from Pennsylvania
Barngrover W. P. renter, Sec. 28; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; born Illinois
Barnum Ed. farmer, P.O. Hartsburg rep; liberal
Barnum Wm. H. farmer, Sec. 8; P.O. Emden; dem; from New York
Beers Henry, farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 4; P.O. Emden; owns 160 acres; rep; liberal
Behrends Berend, renter. Sec. 14; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Luth; from Germany
Beoming Von John, renter, Sec. 7; P.O. Emden; independent; Luth; from Germany
Bernds Mary Mrs. widow, renter, Sec. 6; P.O. Emden; Luth.
Berry Michael, farmer, Sec. 31; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Cath; from Ireland
BETZELBERGER GEORGE GODFRED, farmer and stock-raiser. Sec. 32 north; P.O. Emden; rep; Luth; born in Germany, June 19, 1826; came to this County in 1853; owns 160 acres of land, valued at $10,000; married Mary Dettmir, in 1856, who was born in Germany; have nine children, four girls and five boys: John, born Oct. 18, 1857; Jacob Martin, Oct. 14, 1861; William S. May I, 1863; Lizzie, Oct. 20, 1864; Godfrity, Aug. 19, 1866; William Frederick, Jan. 13, 1868; Mary, May 31; 1870; Bertha, June 7, 1873; Carrie, Feb. 20, 1875
Bickmann Henry, farm hand; P.O. Emden; independent; Luth; from Germany
Bolson Wessel, renter, Sec. 32; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Bap; from Germany
Bowles David, farmer, Sec. 2; P.O. Emden; rep; Chris; from Kentucky
Bowles William H. farmer. Sec. 2; P.O. Emden; rep; Chris; born in this state
Bradshaw Justus, renter, Sec. 14; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from Ohio
Brady Preston, renter, Sec. 25; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; from Ohio
Brady James O. wagon-mkr. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from Ohio
Brail Louis, farm hand, P.O. Hartsburg; independent; born Illinois
Branstier D. blacksmith, Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from Ohio
Bredendiek John Wm. merchant, Emden; dem; Luth; from Germany
Brommer Barney, renter, Sec. 5; P.O. Emden; rep; Pres; from Germany
Broomer Eisse, renter, Sec. 8; P.O. Emden; dem; Pres.
Brummer E. J. engineer, Emden; rep; liberal; from Germany
Bruner Henry, farmer, Sec. 26; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Chris; born Illinois
Bruner Wm. farmer. Sec. 26; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; born Illinois
BRUNS HERMAN, machinist, Hartsburg; dem; Luth; born in Germany, Feb. 10, 1838; married Antea Ewen, in 1865; she was born in Germany; have two children, Alide and Herman A; came to this county in 1874
Bruns R. H. blacksmith, Hartsburg; dem; Bap; from Germany
Cargon, Patrick , renter, sec. 31; P.O. Lincoln; independent; Cath; from Ireland
Carnahan E. L. school teacher, P.O. Emden;rep; Chris; born in Ohio
Carnahan William, constable, Emden; rep; Chris; from Ohio
Chenoweth W.F. renter, Sec. 13; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal
Claassen Albert, renter, Sec. 27; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Luth; from Germany
Conners John, laborer, Hartsburg; dem; Cath; from Ireland
Cremer Ese, renter, Sec. 31 north; P.O. Emden; rep; Meth; from Germany
CUNNINGHAM JAMES, farmer, Sec. 10; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Pres; born in Scotland, Dec. 31, 1803; came to this county in 1870; owns 160 acres of land, valued at $8,000; married Isabella Robison, in 1826, who was born in Scotland, Aug. 30, 1803; six children; those living are Jannet, John, and Mary
Cunningham John, farmer, Sec. 21; P.O. Harisburg; rep; Pres; from Scotland
Darrow Dr. W. H. veterinary surgeon, Hartsburg; rep; Chris; from Connecticut
Davis E. B. works for J. T. Miller, rep; Chris.
Davis J. farm hand, P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Cath; from Indiana
Davison Robert, farm hand, P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Uni; from Virginia
Davison William, farms orr Sec. 26, lives in Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from Ohio
Deaton William, renter, Sec. 3; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Meth; born in Illinois
Deethardt Martin, renter, Sec. 20; P O. Emden, independent; from Germany
Dettmer Christopher, renter, Sec. 22; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Luth; from Germany
Devrics Cornelius, renter, Sec. 21; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Germ. Ref; from Germany
Dickson S. J. carpenter, Emden; dem; Meth; from Tennessee
Dilkey Andrew, laborer, Hartsburg, independent; Luth; from Germany
Dixon B. renter, Sec. 36; P.O. Lincoln; rep; born in Illinois
Dixon Charles, renter, Sec. 36; P.O. Lincoln; rep; born in Illinois
Dixon Solomon, farmer, Sec. 36; P.O. Lincoln; rep; from Kentucky
Dobior K. farm hand, P.O. Hartsburg; dem; from Ohio
Duginger Edward, renter, Sec. 31; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Cath; from Germany
Duke E. farm hand, P.O. Hartsburg; dem; from Kentucky
Eagen John, farm hand, P.O. Lincoln; rep; from New York
Ebel Peter, renter, Sec. 23; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Luth; from Germany
Ecleberry J. W. renter, Sec. 34; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; from Ohio
Emdelman George, renter, Sec. 5; P.O. Emden; rep; Meth; from Germany
Engelson Henry, farm hand, P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Luth; from Germany
Etmond John, renter, Sec. 9; P.O. Emden, independent; Luth; from Germany
Etmond Wiard, renter, Sec. 9; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Luth; from Germany
Farmer H. B. farms on Sec. 19; lives in Hartsburg; rep; Chris; from Kentucky
Ferrell Nathaniel, renter, P.O. Emden; dem; Chris; from Pennsylvania
Fisher J. farmer. Sec. 33; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from New York
Fitzgerald John, renter, Sec. 19; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Cath; from Ireland
Flinn Edward, renter, Sec. 32; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; from New York
Foerste F. W. farmer, Sec. 27; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Bap; from Germany
FOERSTE JOHN, farmer Sec. 27; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Bapt; born in Germany in 1830; came to this country in 1864, and to this county in 1865; owns 132 acres, valued at $5,300; married Caroline Sporkenback, 1858; who was born in Germany, 1841; have three children living: John. August, Charles; three are dead
Fogon George, renter, Sec. 29; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Meth; from Germany
Foortmann H. Lammert, renter, Sec. 33; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; German Reformed; from Germany
Foortmann I. Henry, renter. Sec. 33; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; German Reformed; from Germany
Foortmann J. Henry, retired; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; German Reformed; from Germany
Ford Fred, farm hand; P.O. Hartsburg; independent
Friedricks J. T. restaurant; Emden; rep; liberal; from Germany
Gabler John, farmer, Sec. 31 north; P.O. Emden; rep; Luth: from Germany
GALLAGHER CLARK, farmer, Sec. 9; P.O. Emden; was born in Pike Co. Ohio, 1820; came to this county in 1865; owns So acres of land, valued at $4,800; dem; married Mary Houchens in 1847; from Virginia; have six children: Maxfield W., Elizabeth O., Emily U., Alfred W., Charles R., Stephen C.
Gallagher Maxfield W. lives with bis father; dem; liberal; from Ohio
Gallagher Alfred G. lives with his father; dem; liberal; from Ohio
Gamberling Cyrus, lives with his father; from Pennsylvania
Gamberling Fredrich, farmer, Sec. 12; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from Pennsylvania
Gamberling J. A. renter, Sec. II; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Pres; from Pennsylvania
Gamberling David, farmer, Sec. ii; P.O. Emden; rep; liberal; from Pennsylvania
Gilchrist David, farmer, Sec. n; rep; Pres; from Scotland
Gilchrist Jarnes, farmer, Sec. 14; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Pres; from Rhode Island
Gilchrist Robert, renter, Sec. i; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; born in Illinois
Gilchrist William, farmer, Sec. 24; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; born in Illinois
Green John H. renter, Sec. 33 north; P.O. Emden; rep; liberal; from Massachusetts
Green John J, renter. Sec. 33; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from New York
Green Thomas G. renter, Sec. 33 north; P.O. Emden; rep; liberal
GREEN WILLIAM, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 33 north; P.O. Emden; born in England. March 12, 1810; came to this county in 1853; rep; liberal; owns 170 acres of land, valued at $10,000; married Jane Geddas. Aug. 14, 1832; she was born in England, June 12, 1810; have six children, four dead, and two, Thomas and John, living
Gumper George, laborer; P.O. Emden; Luth: from Germany
Hagen H.. renter, Sec. 19; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; from Germany
Hagen John, renter, Sec 19; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Meth; from Germany
Hajenga II. P. renter, Sec. 19; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; German Ref.; from Germany
Hajenga Luck, renter, Sec. S; independent; Luth; from Germany
Hallman Henry, shoemaker, Emden; rep: Luth; from Germany
Hammitt O. II. P. postmaster, Emden; rep; Christian; from Ohio
Harbert Buhs, laborer, Emden; independent; Meth; from Germany
Hardy Daniel, renter, Sec, 21; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; from Massachusetts
Harms Harm, laborer, P.O. Emden; independent; Luth; from Germany
Harms Nanke. renter, Sec. 6; P.O. Emden; rep: Luth; from Germany
Harmsen Toni, renter, Sec. 17; P.O. Emden; independent; Luth; from Germany
Harts Rachel Mrs. boarding-house, Hartsburg; Pres.
Harts S. H. farmer, Sec. 36 south; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Pres; from Pennsylvania
Hatfield A. C. clerk for Klostmen, Hartsburg; rep: liberal; from Ohio
Hatfield Edward F. renter, Sec. 24; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Pres; born in Illinois
HATFIELD JOHN J. farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 16; P.O. Hartsburg; born in Indiana, March 21, 1831; came to this county in 1855; rep; liberal; owns 240 acres of land, valued at $14,400; married Abigal C. Kitchen, Aug. 27, 1852, who was born in Ohio, Sept. 26, 1834; have ten children: Albert C., Edwin F., William, Sarah, Olive, Emma L., John, Mary L., Stephen K., Abigal C., living, and three dead
Hatfield R. teacher, P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Pres; from Ohio
Hatfield R. R. farmer, Sec. 16; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from Indiana
Hayes James R. farmer, Sec. 33 north; P.O. Delavan; rep; Christian; from Ohio
Heeren H. renter. Sec. 18; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; German Reformed; from Germany
Helms Wm. renter, Sec. 33; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from Ohio
Henn Medard, renter, Sec. 32 north; P.O. Emden; independent; Cath; from Germany
Hitchell James, farmer, Sec. 16; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Pres; from Scotland
HITCHELL JOHN W. farmer, Sec. 15; P.O. Hartsburg, born July 4, 1845; rep; Pres; married Mary E. Williamson, Oct. 5, 1871; she was born June 20, 1844; have one child: James W. born Jan. 23, 1873
Hogue D. J. restaurant, Hartsburg; dem; liberal Hogue J. A. grocer, Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from Ohio
Horney I. A. blacksmith, Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from Ohio
Houston William, farmer, Sec.14; P.O.
Hartsburg; rep; Pres; from Scotland
Howser James W. farmer, Sec. 2; P.O. Emden; rep; Chris.
Huskins Washington, renter, Sec.10; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from Ohio
Indskip James, farmer, Sec. 3; P.O. Emden; dem; liberal; born Ohio
JACKSON CHARLES D. farmer, Sec. 26; P.O. Hartsburg; born in Ohio, 1825; rep; Chris; came to this county in 1849; owns 170 acres valued $8,500; married in 1855, to Mrs. Mary B. Musick, who was born in Indiana, in 1820; have five children living: John W., Phebe C., Willard, Permelia, Susie A., one is dead; he holds the office of school director
Johnson Henry, renter, Sec. 18; P.O. Emden; independent; Luth; from Germany
Jackson J. W. farmer, Sec. 26; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Chris; from Maryland
Jackson John W. renter, Sec. 26; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Chris; born Illinois
Jackson Levi, renter, Sec. 34; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; from Maryland
Johns W. K. renter, Sec. ii; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; liberal; born Ohio
Kelsey James H. farmer, Sec. 4; P.O. Emden; dem; Chris; from New York
Klason Geo. renter, Sec. 22; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Meth; from Germany
Klockenga George B. renter, Sec. 4; P.O. Emden; independent; Luth; from Germany
Klockenga Henry, renter, Sec. 5; P.O. Emden; rep; Meth; from Germany
Klostermen John, dry goods and groceries, Hartsburg; dem; liberal; from Germany
Knochel Michael, renter, Sec. 32; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Cath; from Germany
Krommenga Menso, renter, Sec. 8; P.O. Emden; independent; Luth; from Germany
Kumrade John, renter, Sec. ig; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Luth; from Germany
Latham George, renter, Sec. 24; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Chris; from Kentucky
LATHAM T. W. farmer, Sec. 34; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Chris; born in Kentucky, 1864: came to this county in 1866; he enlisted Sept. 3, 1861, in the 20th Kentucky V. I., Co. C; was in sixteen engagements; was discharged Sept. 18, 1865; married Sallie J. Cochran in 1874, who was born in Virginia, in 1853; have two children: Minnie, born May 10, 1875, and William A., Feb. 11, 1877
LEACH J. T. farmer, Sec. 13; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; liberal; born in Indiana, Dec. 25, 1847; came to this county in 1865; married Signora Helen Pace, Dec. 28, 1871; she was born in Ohio in 1853; they have two children living and one dead
Lehling Peter, wagon mkr. Emden; rep; Bap; from Germany
Levell Wm. renter, Sec. 31; P.O. Lincoln; dem; Cath; from Ireland
Ley F. merchant, Emden; dem; liberal; from Ohio
Loda Louis Dr. Hartsburg
Lolling Albert, renter, Sec. 30; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Pres; from Germany
Lolling Henry, renter, Sec. 30; P.O. Hartsburg, independent; Pres; from Germany
LONGAN JAMES M. express agent and grain dealer, Hartsburg; rep; born in Pennsylvania, July 4, 1836; came to this county in 1862; married Harriet A. Minsker July 3, 1860; she was born in Pennsylvania, in 1838; have one child, Mary I., born April 12. 1861; holds the office of U. S. express agent, and deals in grain for A. W. Ray
Lubbers George, renter, Sec. 17; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; from Germany
Lubbers Isaac, renter. Sec. 30; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; German Reform; from Germany
Lubbers Otto, renter, Sec. 17; P.O. Emden; rep; Bap; from Germany
Lubbers Reemt, renter, Sec. 30; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Bap; from Germany
Lutz Fred, renter, Sec. 7; P.O. Emden; rep; Meth; from Germany
Luts John, renter, Sec. 7; P.O. Emden; independent; Meth; from Germany
Maier Herman, renter, Sec. 17; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Luth; from Germany
Maier Jacob, renter, Sec. 7; P.O. Emden; independent; Meth; from Germany
Manges Jacob, wagon mkr. Hartsburg; dem; Chris.
Manges Samuel, constable. Hartsburg; dem; Chris; from Indiana
Marr John E. rents of Mrs. Huston, Sec. 11; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from England
Martin Ira, farmer, Sec. 14; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Chris; from Ohio
MARTIN J. H. farmer, Sec. U; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Meth; born in Ohio, May 25, 1850; came to this county in 1876; married Jannie Leach Aug. 3, 1874, who was born Feb. 14, 1847, in Illinois; have one child, Charles E., born July 22, 1875
Martin James, farmer, Sec. 35 north; P.O. Emden; rep; liberal; from Pennsylvania
MARTIN JOHN H. farmer, Sec. 16; P.O. Hartsburg; born in Ohio, Feb. 10, 1844; rep; liberal; came to this county in 1863; he enlisted in the Second I. V. C., Co. K, and served from Oct. 1863, till Dec. 1865, and was in many engagements; married Emma Wertz Oct. 22, 1866; she was born in Pennsylvania, Oct. 6, 1846; have four children: Sudy M., was born Sept. 17, 1868; Effie M., Oct. 30, 1871; Edwin M., Nov. 22, 1873; and Lizzie V,, Oct. 28, 1876
Martin Wm. farmer, Sec. 12; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Pres; from Pennsylvania
Masch Charles, renter, Sec. 28: P.O. Hartsburg; Luth; from Germany
Masker S. A. farm hand; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; from Pennsylvania
Matlock T. F. physician, Hartsburg; from Indiana
Matlock John, farmer. Sec. 2; P.O. Emden; rep; liberal; from Indiana
Matlock William P. farmer, Sec. I; P.O. Emden; rep; Chris; from Indiana
McClellan Thomas, farm hand; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Pres; born Illinois
McCORMICK J. farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 9; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Pres; came to this county in 1861; owns 220 acres, valued at $13,500; holds the office of school-director; married Eliza McGowan in Walton-on-the-Hill, Liverpool, England, where she was born November 16, 1834. Have eight children: William W., born in Washington, D.C. January 25, 1860; John L., same place, February 10, 1861; James P., September 10, 1862; Robert N., November 29, 1863; Elizabeth G., June 7, 1865; Margaret J., November 7, 1866; Thomas T., October 19, 1869; Donald B., August 9, 1871; born in this county
McElhiney George, teacher; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; born Illinois
McELHINEY M. farmer, Sec. 35; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; born in Ohio, 1809; came to this county in 1853; owns no acres, valued at $6,600; married in 1846, to Catharine Reinhart, who was born in Germany, 1827. Have seven children living: Sebastian R., Mary C., Richard, George M., William H., James H., Peter V. Has been justice of the peace
McElkiney Richard, renter. Sec. 25; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; liberal; born Illinois
McMacth James, farmer, Sec. 16; P.O. Harts-burg; rep; Pres; from Scotland
McMullen Henry, lives with his father; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Cath; born in this county
McMullen John W. works for H. Shirley on Sec. 15; P.O. Lincoln; dem; liberal
McMullin» Michael, renter, Sec. 3; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Cath; from Ireland
McNish Robert, blacksmith and farmer, Sec. 12; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Pros; from Scotland
Meiger Seade, laborer, Emden; independent; liberal; from Germany
Meyer Tangus, renter, Sec. 21; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Ger. Ref; from Germany
Mickle John, druggist, Emden; rep; liberal; born in this state
Miles Marcus, farmer, Sec. 33 north; P.O. Emden; rep; liberal; from Vermont
Miller A. farmer, Sec. 35; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Meth; from Indiana
Miller Fred, butcher, Hartsburg; independent; liberal; from Michigan
Miller Fred, retired; P.O. Hartsburg; from Germany
Miller Geo. W. grocer, Emden; rep; liberal; born in this state
Miller H. C. farmer, Sec. 36 north; P.O. Armington, Tazewell County; rep; liberal; born in Logan County
MILLER JOHN, farmer, Sec. 35; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; born in this county, 1851; married Minerva Jackson in 1873, who was born in Maryland, 1853; have two children: Larrie L., born July 13, 1874, and Charles E., December 13, '75; he holds the office of road master
Miller John, retired; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Chris; from Kentucky
Miller Thomas J. farmer. Sec. 36 north; P.O. Armington, Tazewell County; rep; Chris
Miller Win. B. grocer, Emden; rep; Chris; from Tennessee Montgomery Wiry, works for Joseph Vinren, Sec. 33 north; P.O. Emden; from Kentucky
Moore I. C. renter, P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Meth; from Ohio
Morris Jacob, renter, Sec. 34; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Chris; from Ohio
Mounts Joseph G. laborer, Hartsburg; dem; liberal; from Ohio
Mowry Charley, lives with his father; rep; Meth; from Ohio
Mowry James D. farmer, Sec. 35 north; P.O. Boynton, Tazewell County; rep; Meth.
MUSICK BERRY, farmer, Sec. 34; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Chris; born in Indiana in 1818; came to this county with his parents, the first settlers on Sugar Creek, in October, 1819; he has ever since resided on this creek; owns 322 acres, valued at $16,100; married Lucinda Bruner in 1840; she was born in Kentucky in 1821. They have seven children: Harriett, Sarah, James W., George H., Martha J., Mary L., Margaret I.
MUSICK H. A. farmer, Sec. 13; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Chris; born in this county. May 28, 1851; married Maritta O. Chenovveth, January 25, 1871, who was born in Indiana, November 25, 1852. Have two children: Edwin B., born February 3, 1873: Lyman Claude, October 30,1874. He holds the office of school director.
Musick F. A. grain dealer, Hartsburg; rep; Chris
Musick J. R. farmer, Sec. 35; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Chris; born Illinois
Nall Larkin, merchant, Hartsburg; dem; from Kentucky
Nail R. P. sewing machine agent, Hartsburg; dem; Chris; from Kentucky
Neef John, renter, Sec. 23; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Luth; from Germany
Neely Edward, farmer, See. 3; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from England
Nelems West, renter, Sec. 36 south; P.O. Lincoln; rep.
Nelling K. farmer, Sec. 24; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; from Pennsylvania
Nunga Fred, renter, Sec. 17; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; from Germany
OHMART GEORGE W. wagon maker, Emden; rep; C.Pres; born in Illinois, Feb. 28, 1846; came to this county in 1852; was a member of Company B, 73d I. V. I. and in twenty-one engagements; was married to Olla Robinson, February 27, 1873; she was born in Mason County, 1855. Have two children : George R. born December 13, 1873, and Carrie D., October 3, 1875: his father was a native of Pennsylvania, and settled in Montgomery County, Illinois in 1842, where he remained three years; from there he moved to Menard County, Illinois, where he remained until he died, in 1852.
Olbers Geike, renter, Sec. 6; P.O. Emden; rep; Luth; from Germany
Olbers Wiecker, renter, Sec. 6; P.O. Emden; rep; Luth; from Germany
Oltsmans Anton, renter. Sec. 22; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Meth; from Germany
Oltmans John, tailor, Emden; rep; Meth; from Germany
Oltmans Oltman, renter, Sec. 26; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Meth; from Germany
Parton Peter, farm hand, P.O. Hartsburg; dem.
Paul H. A. J. farmer, Sec. 34 north; P.O. Boin, Tazewell Co; dem; Chris.
Peterson Lend, rents of James Cunningham, Sec. 10; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Meth.
Pettzmann Fred, renter, Sec. 28; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Luth; from Germany
Pinneo Thomas, farmer, Sec. 21; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from Ohio
Pyne W. J. renter, Sec. 33 north; P.O. Emden; dem; Chris; from Indiana
Quiseberry C. W. farmer, Sec. 1; P.O. Atlanta; dem; Pres.
Quisenberry H. C. fanner, Sec. 12; P.O. Atlanta; rep; Pres; from Kentucky
Ouisenberry R R. farmer, Sec. 12; P.O. Atlanta; rep; liberal; from Kentucky
Quisenberry T. II. farmer, Sec. I; P.O. Lincoln; independent; Pres; from Kentucky
Rademacher Folker, renter; Sec. 23; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Luth; from Germany
Rademacher Alfred, renter, Sec. 5; P.O. Emden; rep; Luth; from Germany
Ralston Dr. J. P. druggist, Emden; rep; from Iowa
Ramsey James, renter, Sec. II; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; born in Ohio
Raney Jerry, renter, P.O. Hartsburg; dem; liberal; from Indiana
Reinholz Jacob, blacksmith, Emden; dem; Luth; from Germany
Reinholz L. renter, Sec. 19; P.O. Hartsburg, Ind; Luth; from Germany
Reinlander Peter, farm hand, P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Cath; from Germany
Reinlon William, section boss, Hartsburg; independent; Catii; born in Ireland
Remmes Henry, renter, Sec. 18; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; from Germany
Remmes Jake, retired, P.O. Emden; rep; Bap; from Germany
Remmes Peter, renter, Sec. 29; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Bap; from Germany
Resse Charles, farm hand, P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Chris; from New York
Richards B. farmer, Sec. 35; P.O. Hartsburg;independent; from Indiana
Rieke John, renter, Sec. 6; P.O. Emden; rep; Luth; from Germany
Riemann Tgark, renter, Sec. 7; P.O. Emden; independent; liberal; from Germany
Rihme John, renter, Sec. 31; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Ger. Ref; from Germany
Rihme Peter, renter, Sec. 31; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; German Reform; from Germany
Rinehart P. farmer, Sec. 25; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; liberal; from Germany
Ritchie John E. painter, Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from Pennsylvania
Ritzhaupt Jacob, renter, Sec. 30; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Luth; from Germany
Robinson James, renter, Sec. 4; P. O. Emden; rep; liberal; from Indiana
Rodenberg F. W. Rev. Hartsburg; rep; clergyman; from Prussia
Roelfs T. renter, Sec. 8; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Meth; from Germany
Rohdel H. farmer, Sec. 6; P.O. Emden; rep; Meth; from Germany
Rohdemaker T. renter, Sec. 31; P.O. Emden; dem; Meth; from Germany
Rohlps Harm, renter, Sec. 31 north; P.O. Emden; rep; Luth; from Germany
Roles Frank, laborer, Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from Pennsylvania
Roles S. N. blacksmith, Hartsburg; rep; Chris; from Pennsylvania
ROSS GEORGE H. farmer, Sec. 27; lives in Hartsburg; born in Cass Co. March 3, 1845, and came to this county in 1871; rep; married Anna E. Gabbard Feb. 3, 1874, who was born in Sangamon Co. Dec. 19, 1855; have two children: Charles E. born May 28, 1875; and Ida M., Nov. 14, 1876
Rubens A. renter, Sec. 17; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Ger. Ref; from Germany
Rubens Esdert, renter, Sec. 9; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Luth; from Prussia
Rudolph C. W. farmer. Sec. 25; P.O. Lincoln; born Illinois
Sampen Fred, renter, Sec. 8; P.O. Emden; rep; Meth; from Germany
Sarver Harvy, farm hand; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Bap; from Virginia
Scheets Jacob V. farmer, Sec. 35 north; P.O. Emden;dem; liberal; from Indiana
Scheets John, farmer, Sec. 35 north; P.O. Emden; dem; Chris; from Kentucky
Schenck Peter J. farm hand; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; from New York
Schmidt H. T. blacksmith, Emden; independent; Luth; from Germany
Schroder Henry, renter, Sec. 30; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Luth; from Germany
Scrogdon John, farm hand; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; born in Illinois
Sherwood Isaac, farmer, Sec. 27; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Meth; from Maryland
Sherwood Jabez, renter, Sec. 14; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Meth; from Maryland
Sherwood Millard, lives with his father; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from Ohio
SHIRLEY HENRY, farmer, Sec. 15; P.O. Hartsburg; born in Kentucky, Jan. I, 1841; came to this county in 1851; rep; Chris; owns 80 acres of land, valued at $4,000; married Martha Smallwood, April 18, 1869, who was born June 18, 1848; have two children: John H. born Sept. 26, 1871, and George A., Aug. 24, 1873
Shirley James W. farmer, Sec. 15; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Chris; from Kentucky
Shivlar Thomas J. carpenter; P.O. Emden; dem; Meth; from Ohio
Slavens Charles, school teacher, Emden; rep; liberal; from Ohio
Smith Daniel, works for John Scheets; dem; Chris.
Snyder M. A. Mrs. boarding-house, Emden; Chris; from Ohio
Snyder I. H. clerk, Emden; dem; liberal; born in Illinois
Snyder William O. laborer, Emden; dem; born in Illinois
Sparks W. farm hand, P.O. Hartsburg; rep; from Indiana
Statenbecker Daniel, farm hand; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; from Pennsylvania
Stegen John, renter, Sec. 21; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Luth; from Germany
Steward David, renter, Sec. 24; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Pres; from Scotland
STEWART JOHN F. farmer, Sec, 10; P.O. Hartsburg; born in Scotland, March, 1826; came to this county in 1865; dem; Pres; owns 50 acres, valued at $2,400
Stockton William, farmer, Sec. 19; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; from New Jersey
Stonefer Daniel, renter, Sec. 12; P.O. Atlanta, rep; liberal; from Pennsylvania
Strade James, renter, Sec. 28; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Chris.
Stratmeyer Herman, renter, Sec. 23; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Meth; from Germany
Straughn Charles, farm hand; P.O. Harts-rg; rep; from Maryland
Sumner Elizabeth, Emden; Meth; born in Ohio
Sumner J. W. farmer, Sec. 10; P.O. Emden; rep; Chris.
Sutfm James L. lives with his mother; dem; liberal; from Indiana
Sutfm Mary E. Mrs. renter, Sec. 24; P.O. Hartsburg; Meth; from Kentucky
Swilley Philip, carpenter, Hartsburg; dem; Chris.
Tammus Martin, retired; P.O. Emden; independent; Ger. Ref; from Germany
Taylor Abe, farm hand; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; from Ohio
TAYLOR GEORGE W. farmer and. stock-raiser, Sec. 9; P.O. Emden; rep; liberal; born in Pike Co. Ohio, Oct. 15, 1834; came to this county in 1868; owns 80 acres of land, valued at $4,000; has held the office of school director, and was in Co. C, 91st O. V. I. and in one engagement; married Rebecca Johnson, Oct. 22, 1861, who was born in Scioto Co. Ohio; have seven children, four boys and three girls: Charles Dugan, born Jan. 17, 1863; Wilburn, Feb. 10, 1865; Ona, Nov. 30, 1867; Harry, Feb. 4, 1869; Mary, Feb. 9, 1874; William, April 1, 1876; Carrie, Feb. 4, 1871, and died Sept. 14, 1872
Tholen Fiurk, renter, Sec. 31 north; P.O. Emden; rep; Luth; from Germany
Tholen John, renter. Sec. 31 north; P.O. Emden; rep; Luth; from Germany
Thomas George, renter, Sec. 29; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; from Michigan
Timm Henry, renter, Sec. 34 north; P.O. Emden; dem; Luth; from Germany
Timm John, works for J. Wiebers;dem; Luth; from Germany
Tolen John, renter, Sec. 18; P.O. Emden; independent; Luth; from Germany
Tolles Benjamin, works for Ed. Meely; rep; liberal; born in Illinois
Updyke C. W. station agent and tel. opr. Emden; from Ohio
Vieberkorn William, renter, Sec. 23; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Luth; from Germany
Vinron Joseph, renter, Sec. 32 north; P.O. Emden; independent; liberal; from France
Walker G. T. renter, Sec. 27; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; born in Illinois
Wallace Thomas, works for D. Williams; P.O. Emden; dem; liberal; from Ohio
Ward P. grain merchant, Emden; rep; liberal; from Ohio
Watkins Aaron, laborer, lives on Sec. 16; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from Ohio
Wechler Berend, renter, Sec. 14; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Luth; from Germany
Wechter Wm. works for A. Oltsmans, Sec. 22; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; liberal; from Germany
Weiland Berend, lives with his father; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Meth; from Germany
Weiland John, renter, Sec. 22; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Meth; from Germany
Weiszhoof Fred, farm hand; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; from Germany
Wessels Heige, works for Etmont, Sec. 9; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Luth; from Germany
Wessels Klaas, renter, Sec. 21; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Luth; from Germany
Wessels Wessel, renter, Sec. 32; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; from Germany
Westfall John, farmer, Sec. 34 north; P.O. Emden; rep; Chris; from Ohio
Weubers Peter, renter, Sec. 7; P.O. Emden; independent; Luth; from Germany
Wheeler John, renter, Sec. 32; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; from Ohio
White W. H. farmer, Sec. 34; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Chris; from Kentucky
Wiebers John, renter, Sec. 34 north; P.O. Emden; dem; Luth; from Germany
WIEBURG, HENRY grain merchant, Emden; rep; liberal; born in Germany Oct. 13, 1847; came to this county in 1866; was school director several terms; has been in Emden two years in the grain business; handles from two to three hundred thousand bushels of grain each year; he also sells wagons, plows, coal, and other commodities; married Mary Groenewald in Jan. 1867; she was born in Germany in 1852; they have four children, three girls and one boy
WHALEN THOMAS, renter, Sec. 5; P.O. Emden; dem; Cath; born in Ireland; came to this county in 1868; married Marila Scammahorn, July 24, 1869; they have four children: Ellen, born July 16, 1870; Thomas, Dec. 23, 1873; William, March 12, 1875, and Johanna, Aug. 30, 1877
Wiggers Swister, renter, Sec. 29; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; German Reformed; from Germany
Wilken Wm. laborer, P.O. Emden; independent; Luth; from Germany
Williams David, renter, Sec. 32 north; P.O. Emden; dem; liberal; born in Ohio
Williamson William, farm hand; P.O. Lincoln
Wilson R. farm hand, P.O. Hartsburg; rep; from Ohio
Wilson R. C. renter, Sec. 13; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; liberal; from Ohio
Wodetzky G. E. farmer, Sec. 36; P.O. Lincoln; dem; Luth; from Germany
Woland Salomon, farmer, Sec. 25; P.O. Hartsburg; rep; Pres; from Pennsylvania
Woland Salomon J. attorney, P.O. Lincoln; rep; liberal; from Pennsylvania
Wolent E. R. meat market, Hartsburg; rep; liberal; from Pennsylvania
Wollar Louis, renter, Sec. 34 north; P.O. Emden; rep; Chris; from Indiana
Wooley Wm. farmer, Sec. 36; P.O. Lincoln; dem; from Ohio
Wortmann Henry, renter, Sec. 24; P.O. Hartsburg; independent; Luth; from Germany
Wren M. N. teacher, Hartsburg; rep; Bap; from Ohio
Wyllie Alexander, lives with Wm. Adam; P.O. Hartsburg; Pres; from Scotland
Zurkhammer Fred, renter, Sec. 23; P.O. Hartsburg; dem; Luth; from Germany
Transcribed for Logan County ILGenWeb by Sheryl McClure who has no ancestors or relatives in Logan County.
This page is "Orvil Township 1878 Directory" on the Logan County, Illinois, ILGenWeb site. The address of this page is http://logan.illinoisgenweb.org/1878orvil.htm.