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The Lincoln Herald

June 8, 1876

Logan County Gleanings from inside pages

Transcribed by Barb Seggelke


-Mr. and Mrs. Abe Splain, of Lincoln, were visiting their friends in this vicinity, recently.

-Birth: The wife of Wm. Johnston of a daughter on the 28the.

-Married: At the residence of Oliver Johnston, Jeff Blackwell, of Alton, IL, to Miss Emma Roden, byAndrew Johnston, J.P. They were united in the bonds of matrimony last Wednesday. The happy couple left for Summerhill, IL. to visit the bride’s relatives.

-Miss E.R. Hilscher started for home (Eminence) yesterday.

Our esteemed friend, Mr. Maxwell Hamilton, is seriously ill.

-Wm. Johnston and Jas. Johnston has finished planting corn-250 acres each.

-Owing to the lumpy condition of the ground some of the boys have been riding on horseback while harrowing the ground. We can boast of one “bye” from “near Enniskillen,” weighing over two hundred pounds; the lumps compelled him to straddle one of the horses, “at whiles of a day.”

-Johnny Irwin has sold his famous racing pony to Geo. Helm at a good round figure.

-John Johnston, of Lincoln University, was among us last Sabbath.

-In regard to corn planting I may say that all the farmers are about done planting. The weather for the past two weeks was all that could be expected, which happily for us has dispelled the nervous anxiety of many of the farmers caused by a late spring. If it should continue dry and fine, with an occasional shower, I see nothing in the way of an average corn crop. Farmers are busy rolling, harrowing and cultivating the corn ground.

The strain of plowing baked and cloddy fields has brought many farm teams out of the spring work in sorry condition. A.C.L.


The Fourth of July meeting on Saturday evening last was a failure, there being only about a-half dozen persons present, but as committees of all kinds have been appointe3d and everything moving off smoothly, a great many thought it useless to meet. The committee on finance report, very favorably, and if nothing prevents, we will have the opportunity of witnessing one of the best celebrations that Atlanta has ever given. A petition to the honorable Mayor and City Council is being circulated for the purpose of having them appropriate the sum of one hundred dollars for the purpose of defraying expenses, which we have no doubt, they will heartily comply with.

A considerable sum has already been subscribed by citizens.

-Haanan Barker has his law office over the bank, and will always be found at the office ready to accommodate clients.

-Perry Hawes, who has been teaching school at or near Beason, is at home again.

-As Farmers are very busy at present, business in the city is rather on the slow order. Corn plowing has begun in earnest, and every boy that can be mustered out and is big enough to reach the plow-handles is in the fields hard at work.

-A.J. Randolph & Bros. have rented a storeroom in the city of Maroa and started a branch store at that place. Irvin Albright took charge of the store on Thursday last. Mr. R. thinks Maroa a good point to do business at, and we wish him all the success imaginable. Mr. Albright has been in the employ of Mr. Randolph since the 5the day of last July, and while here made many friends. We hope he will make as many more at the new location.

-C.H. Brining moved into the house lately bought of Henry Strathman on Wednesday last. The house has been undergoing repairs for the past three weeks, and a new fence has been built and everything put in order.

-The negro festival on Thursday and Friday nights last was almost a failure as they lost money instead of making. The receipts did not pay expenses. The festival was for the benefit of the colored M.E. Church.

-Prof. Turner moved into the W.E. Graeser property last week. Mrs. Turner started on a trip to Ohio last week. She will visit Logan and Champaign counties, Ohio, while absent.

-Prof. Palmer, of Joliet, was in the city last week looking after the interests of some of his patients. Lloyd was not with him.

-Mrs. Judge Dicks and Mrs. C.H. McDonald, of your city spent a part of last week with friends in this city. Sheriff Morris, also, was in town last week.

-John Longnecker will start a saloon in the room vacated by Jos. Summers.

-The great European circus will be here on the 16the of this month, and it is thought that they will carry off some of the new silver money that has been afloat here for some time. People will have to look out for pickpockets, for last year at the circus several dollars were taken from parties who are in the habit of carrying too much money to such places.

-Frank Hoblit took a trip to St. Louis last week.

-Miss Lizzie Martin is visiting friends in Lincoln this week.

-David Clayton, who has been confined to his room for several months, is able to be out again.

-A new sidewalk in front of Chas. Reise’Saloon is being put in this week.


-Jacob Jenson, Andrew Hunson and Joseph Wilson shelled and delivered their corn last week. Andrew Armstrong also delivered his cattle to Mr. Gillett as reported in our last, eighty-one head; averaging 1,497 ½,and bringing $7,308.77

-We had a very pleasant shower last Tuesday, which made the hearts of many, rejoice.

-Our people mourn over the loss of one who departed this life on Thursday last. A dog was ran over by the cars and instantly killed, two more barely escaped. We would like to mourn over a few more.

-But the saddest calamity that ever happened in our little town was on last Saturday, the closing of our post office. The honorable P.M. General of Midland City, Mr. John Zumbro, made a raid with official documents and informed us that we could get our mail in the future at his office in Midland.

I never saw our people so surprised or confounded. We had hardly received the news until a petition was I circulation for a continuance or a re-establishing of a post office here and J. S. Harwick, P.M. in less than three hours seventy-one names were signed to the petition. It seems Mr. Pendleton resigned without notifying the people and the office was discontinued for the want of a candidate. Mr. Pendleton did not understand the result or it would have been otherwise.

-The young folks of Central Point, in company with some from Lincoln, went to Salt Creek on a fishing expedition Saturday. We learned they had a merry time, good dinner and more fun and more hearts captured than fish. What’s the odds so you are happy. We know how it used to be.

-The theater in Pruitt’s Hall was a grand failure and the managers left in disgust. This evening and tomorrow there will be another; we wait the results.

-Many of our neighbors have gone to Lincoln today to attend the circus.

-It is reported to us that one of our neighbors not more than tree miles from here is in the habit of whipping his wife; if this is continued we will have to bring the same out in full.

-While taking a short ride out among the farmers last evening we saw wheat in the head and small grain doing well. Corn has a good color but is small.



-The spirit of improvement-or rather of protection-has taken hold of our school directors, and they have made it visible by covering the school house all over with lightning rods at an expense to the district of $102. We have heard that some of the tax payers are questioning the propriety of spending so much money in that way when the fences, out-buildings, and the pump on the outside need fixing up, and the walls and woodwork on the inside need whitening and repainting so badly. But then, Arch. says, they are going to have those things done too.

-There are a host of our citizens who went up to Lincoln Monday, just to let the children see the show come in town. Of course they all saw the Elephant.

-The freight train going south Wednesday noon ran over Ed Ballinger’s cow and crippled her so that she had to be killed. Ed paid $55 for her last fall.

She was appraised at $47.50. This seems to be an unlucky place for the C. & A. on the cow question, as this is the fourth one killed here within a year.

-Miss Mollie Ryan and Ollie Dennis are spending this week in Eureka attending the commencement exercises of Eureka College. They are visiting

Mrs. Minerva Wright.

-That handsome bouquet, which you saw, us lugging through the streets last Friday evening, came from Charlie Stelse’s yard! Wasn’t it a whopper? Do it again, Charlie.

-The picnic and croquet party to take place in the grove near this place on Saturday week promises to be an enjoyable affair. Elder R. D. Cotton will deliver the address and Miss Taylor will have charge of the music. Don’t forget the time, and be sure to come, everybody.

-D.F. Wright, Sr. is hauling logs to Wall’s Sawmill, which he will have sawed into framing timbers for a barn he is going to have erected on his home farm between now and cold weather. Dove has the contract.

-D.K. Turley is receiving materials for his new house. The work will begin on it in a few days.

-Jacob Deitrich, with his fist, struck a little stepdaughter three years old, and at first it was thought that the child was dead, but it revived and is doing pretty well now. Has an awful black eye and face. What ought to be done, Mr. Editor, in such a case?

-Belle McCauley spent Saturday and Sunday with the home folks. Of course she will be up to attend the picnic.

-Clark Jennings went to Springfield Monday to sell his wheat, about 650 bushels but found that he could get better prices nearer home than there.

If you have not sold yet, Clark, you had better hold on until you see what those mutterings of war in Europe mean. If the telegraph rings true reports your wheat will be worth more money in a little while than it is now.

-J.H.Thompson and Sims Crow paid our village a short visit this week.

-The dance at Tom Bulger’s Saturday night last was a success. So say the boys. They are going to have a big one at Stelse’s Hall on Friday night the 16the inst. They say there will be lots of girls present.

-Dr. T.B. Perry and lady spent the Sabbath with our Dr. Perry and his estimable lady.

-Oh, say! Did you see all those women start off toward Lake Fork last Saturday morning? It was a fishing party but judging by the results of the day’s work, we would say that that kind of “angling” is not much a success with the ladies as another kind which we might mention, and even the latter kind is not always a success.

-Tom Shull’s barn caught fire last Saturday morning. Someone had let a match or stub of a cigar fall. The fire was put out before any damage was done.

-J.W.Wright shipped a carload of hogs Monday for J.H. Thompson, of Lincoln.

-Farmers plowing corn, some, however are still breaking and planting. Ground awful dry and hard.

                                                                  Mark Tapley.


-What a splendid rain we did not have on last Friday.

-Taylor Bros. Closed for repairs, Noah Hall contractor.

-The corn is all in the ground and several are busy plowing.

-J.J. Michener is receiving his share; shipped last week twenty-two cars of corn and plenty in the country yet; thirty -six cents per bushel.

-Uncle Wm. Donnon met with a serious accident last Tuesday. He was taking a roller out of a wagon when it became unmanageable and ran over him, breaking three ribs.

-Ben Sheridan’s boy got a large post of a barn on his leg, bruising and spraining the ankle.

-The prospect is for a fine yield of rye-Sid Whittaker having sixty acres in anticipating a yield of twenty bushels to the acre.

-Samuel Baker has one of the finest brick kilns in the section- 225, 000


-The railroad killed several pigs lately. Keep your hogs up; do not lock the stable after the horse is stolen.

-Our friend Ellsworth, of Lacon Home Journal is publishing a history of Marshall county, Spencer throws ink like a fly crawling (all over the Page).

-Ward Clark and lady, and Uncle Dan Clark returned to Kentucky last Wednesday. They report things favorable but times very dull.

-Arrivals last week: Snyder and Pease, of Bloomington, Guy Lewis, of Decatur, Ben Watson, of Bloomington.

-Dr. Benson, of Latham, is around again, but the Doctor looks and feels bad yet.

                                                                   Zack Taylor


-James D. Evans and sister, Miss Alice, went to Virden last Wednesday to attend the wedding of Capt. Emanuel Cross, of Mechanicsburg, to Miss Laura Davidson, of Virden. The Captain is an old timer and we had given him up for a confirmed bachelor, but, the fates were against him and he has gone the way of all mankinds. The bride was formerly a resident of our town, living here with her brother, the Rev. M.M. Davidson, who was pastor of the M.E. Church from Sept. 1871 to Sept 1873. The groom and bride left that evening for St. Louis on their bridal tour.

-Our informant was mistaken and made us make a mistake in regard to our public schools last week. The school closes June 13the as we said, but the exercises that we said would be held on the evening of the 14the will be held on the evening of the 13the instead and on Wednesday the 14the, the scholars and their friends will have an old time school picnic in the grove, and Scullin never made a failure before we look for a good time generally. Free to all, Come, bring your families, and be sure and don’t forget your baskets, which we would like to see well filled.

-The exercises by the Sunday school in the M.E. Church last Sunday evening was for and in behalf of the missionary cause. It was exceedingly interesting and of unusual variety. While we would not detract from any, for they were all deserving, we cannot help but admit that Miss Katie H’s essay was splendid. Just a little louder next time Miss Katie. Had it been left to our judgment we should have marked class No 3 in the nineties? But when the teacher informed us that some of the selections did not chime in the right place, well, we thought, may be we’ve been asleep. Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Shreve favored us with the beautiful song, “Gathering one by one,” Mrs. S. as a soprano is a success.

-Work this week and the latter part of last one was rather slack at the elevator owing to no cars being obtained. During the past winter Mr. Leslie gave the entire elevator an overhauling, putting in a new separator, and now is able to handle upwards of 2,500 bushels per day when cars can be got with less than one-half the labor heretofore required.

-Our new tailor is here and now won’t “we fellers” put on style.

-Miss Alice Horney and Miss Webster, from Lincoln, spent Saturday and Sunday with the former’s home folks.

-John A. Critchfield and John W. Kline were in town on Saturday evening attending the lodge of A.F. and A. M. The former says that his business of J.P. is not crowding him at present.

-We felt sure that by this time we should have a wedding-that is a home wedding to report but-no they have concluded to wait a little while-and it’s not his fault either.

-Mr. Brady is gradually growing weaker all the time. A change one way or the other must surely come soon.

-Atlanta’s lightning rod me, Messrs, Wooley, Ewing &Irving, were here last week; did lots of running around, but with what success we did not learn.

-Jim Taylor says his new desk put up in the Post Office is no “one-horse concern” this time, and we must add that he looks well behind it.

-A dance at Thomas Bulger’s two miles north of town last Saturday evening. Those out from town report a good time.

-Monday was pension-draw-day, and as most all the pensioners from this place execute their vouchers here at home, our notaries public were on the watch for stray quarters.

-We noticed A.P. Bice, of Springfield, on our streets last Saturday evening; he was up visiting his brother Frank. Look out or some one will lose a good horse, for he is right square “on the swap.”

-Some Springfield parties have during the past week put up over the grave of the late E.C. Martin a very fine monument. We think it by far the best that has ever been put up in our cemetery, and reflects credit both on the manufacturers and the friends of the deceased.

-On Friday last, several of our citizens went out to the lake to fish. Ab. L—e

reports a pickerel twenty-three inches long. The rest of the party took for 12 to 25 in number each, most all of the denomination known as cat. Ab. says that on the road home he had to climb the fence to keep the horses from running over him.

-The new barn built this past spring by H.B. Dove, of Broadwell, for Elisha Crane, on his home place two and one-half miles northwest of town, we think is the most complete affair of the kind that we have had the pleasure to inspect for several years. It seems that nothing needed has been forgotten in its construction. And by the way, Mr. Editor, if you should-and we think you ought to- come down this way during the summer, Mr. Crane’s would not be a very bad stopping place if you were hungry or needed rest; at least, that is our experience with him.

-In response to a call issued last week signed “Many Citizens,” a meeting was held last night at the office of W.H. Davis, Esq., to consider whether or not we should have a celebration here on July 4the. The meeting was organized by electing Esq. Davis chairman and E.D. McMasters secretary. On the question being put before the house as to how we stood, it was decided that we would have a celebration and a good one at that, let the cost be what it may. After selecting committees on finances, speakers, music and printing, the place on Monday, June 12the, at 7:30PM, We are I dead earnest in the matter, and propose to regain our lost ground in this the Centennial year, and have such a celebration as never was known to be in Logan County before. Look out for posters.

-We are informed that the Union Sunday school picnic was a success in every since of the word.

-Wonder who it was that had their morals ground to such a fine point that they refused a leave to come down town for croquet set. Yet, after one was obtained, we are informed, did condescend to take a mallet at the innocent amusement.

-The old Latham House, standing in the edge of the grove near town, and belonging to Mr. Gillett, caught fire this afternoon, and burned to the ground. The fire caught from a defective chimney. It was perhaps one of, if not the oldest house in Logan County being built, so Col. Latham informed us this evening, in either 1828 or 1829, and has quite a history. When the fire was discovered no one was nearer than town, excepting five small children-the mother having gone to Mr. Gillett’s on an errand. The house

was used as a residence by a family of color named Taylor, who, through the help of our citizens-who were soon on the ground after the alarm was fist given, saved all their effects. The loss, if any, is comparatively slight, as it was a dilapidated old relic of by gone days, and gray old rats had held high carnival there for many years.



-The Suit between Gilchrist and Prince last Saturday was postponed one week on account of witnesses not being present.

-Farmers are very busy now hobbling over clods; we hear quite a number of farmers’s say that a large portion of the late planting will never come up until we get rain.

-Mr. F. A. Musick moved into his new house last Wednesday, and things begin to look cozy again. Mrs. Musick has been ill since the fire and seems to be no better yet.

-Henry and James Shirley with their families went to Eureka last Wednesday to attend the commencement exercises there. Our old friend, G.R. Shirley, who for some time has been attending school at Eureka, completed the course and got his sheepskin last Thursday and in the future expects to occupy the pulpit. A large portion of the audience Sunday Evening were expecting to hear him as he had promised, but owing to peculiar circumstances could not fill the appointment.

-Lee Dixon got home from Chicago last week, where he has been attending a medical school; Lee looks hale and hearty as ever.

-Corn trade very lively last Friday, also Thursday.

-Frank Braucher shipped a carload of hogs from here to day.

-Elder Chaplin preached at the church Sunday morning and night.

-The boys are happy now with a photo gallery in town.

-The show at your place was well attended by a large number from here last Monday.

-R.R. Hatfield is still happy; it’s a centennial boy.

-Miss Ida Hatfield’s school will close Wednesday, June 14the, after which she will return to her home in Piatt County.

-Our Sunday school contemplates having a new singing book soon.

-Elder Robinson will preach at the church next Sunday.

-A class in intermediate music is being formed by Miss Rodgers.

                                                         Miranda Means.


-Dr. J.C. Ross has been confined to his room by sickness since Sunday.

-Dr. J.W. Poindexter returned from Kentucky on Saturday night.

-Reb. Wm. Tracy, of Decatur, will preach at Pilgrim chapel next Sabbath.

-Miss May Roach represents the Amicitian Society at the reunion, assisted by Miss Harts, as announced last week.

-E.D. Blinn has bought B.P. Andrews’ trotting horse, one of the best travelers in this part of the state.

-Rev. W.H.H. Adams, of the Wesleyan, delivered two excellent discourses at the M.E. Church on Sunday.

-Rev. J.B. Seymour and wife now of LeRoy, IL were in town on Tuesday visiting friends.

-Mr. A.W. Lloyd of Eager & Loyd, and Miss Laura Beers, daughter of James Beers, Esq., are to be married this evening. A very wide circle of Friends wishes them all the luck in life. `

-June 2-by Rev. Issac Kretzinger, John Brown and Miss Gertrude Benson. Were Married

-In this city on Thursday June1, after an illness of many months, Mrs. Margaret McElvain, widow of the late John H. McElvain, aged 46, died.

The funeral services were held on Sunday and were largely attended by members of the I.O.O.F. and friends of the deceased.

-The many friends of Mrs. L.P. Crawford will regret to learn that she is growing worse and that there is no hope for her recovery.

-Alex Fossett extends an invitation to the “Butterclucks” to come out and shoot the crows that are stealing his corn.

-T. G. Gardner is putting up one of his patent injectors for filling boilers at the coal shaft.

-Our good schools continue to attract good citizens. Levi L Hatton, of this county, is to be with us in September.

-John Burt, of Armington, was in town the other day.

-James T. Hoblit left for Philadelphia on the 1st inst.

-Miss Orrilla Humason, who has taught the second grade in our High School building with such pronounced success for the past three years, was re-appointed by the board, but has a much better offer at Amboy, IL. And goes there the ensuing school year.

-Jefferson Brown, of Chicago, has been in town this week.

-Mrs. N. C. Hunting returned last week from a visit to Wisconsin.

-Geo. Williams, engineer at the coal shaft, has bought two lots on Third Street, and will build a nice dwelling.

-C. I. Forsyth is building a house on Ninth Street, opposite the residence of Clay.

-Preparations are still going forward for a celebration of the Fourth of July at the grounds of the feeble-minded Institution.

-Two extremes in John Robinson’s Circus procession of last Monday were the sacred ox and a worldly-minded horse that danced to the music of the band.

-Samuel Jones has applied for a patent on a shoelace, which is thought to be a great improvement over the one for which he obtained letters patent some months ago.

-The police made seventeen arrests of the “drunk and disorderly” on Monday-show day. The arrests were evidently made promptly, as the crowd on the street was very quiet and orderly.

-The Wife of Mr. C.F. Johnson was severely hurt on Sunday morning last, at their farm north of town. While crossing a ditch in company with her mother-in-law, she was thrown from the buggy with great violence, falling upon her head and shoulders. She was badly bruised, but no bones were broken. On Tuesday she was still suffering considerably, but D. Leeds thought her symptoms were favorable.


-The picnic last Saturday is pronounced a success.

-Rev. Mr. Riggin of St. Louis, preached at the M.E. Church last Sunday evening.

-Miss Louie Spear, of Springfield, is visiting friends at this place.

-The SS Concert at the C.P. Church last Sabbath was well attended.

-Mr. S. Taylor, a student of Princeton college, will preach at the Brick Church.

-Mrs. Logan Rayburn will attend commencement at the Methodist female college of Jacksonville next week. She is a graduate of the class of ’64.

-Mr. Dawson and sister, of Buffalo, are visiting their brother, Dr.Dawson.

-Mr. Henry McBride has finished the assessment of this township.

-The Sabbath schools of East Menard will hold a celebration in Irish Grove, Saturday, Aug. 5.

-The following are the officers elect of Myrtle lodge 470, I.O.O.F. for the term beginning July 1st: H. Feusner, N.G.; C. Snyder, V.G.; C.C. Reed, R.S. and H. McBride, Treas.



-Jessie, daughter of Mr. John Capps, who was recently burned by her clothes taking fire at a bon-fire built by children, and who was snatched from a fiery death, is still confined to bed, and though convalescing nicely suffered much. It was a narrow escape from being burned alive. The principal burn is on the back, and she is consequently spared from scars or disfigurements.

-C.M. Siloa, of New Castle, Cal., who sent Mr. Capps the specimens of Alexander peach, about this time last year, reports the Alexander peach large and fine with them this year, and that they are fully twice as large as the Early Beatrice, and that they are satisfied that it is the earliest peach known.

-Mr. Fred Clark, who has been ill of heart disease, is now at Jacksonville under the treatment of Dr. Prince.

-Squire Randolph is again confined to his house.

-Philbrick & Lukens have the contract for building Mr. Sorrell Doten’s new residence-a two-story frame 32 1/2x40 feet.

-Wm. Donnan, Esq., in assisting to unload a new roller from a wagon at his place last week, had it accidentally rolled over him, breaking several ribs and otherwise bruising him. Though quite feeble before his mishap, it is believed Mr. Donnan will recover from his injuries.

-On account of the absence of Elder Robinson, the funeral sermon in memory of Mrs. Kaelitz, was postponed until next Sabbath, the 11the inst., to be preached at 11 o’clock at the Christian Church. By this arrangement the Elder will be unable to fill his appointment on that day at Hartsburg.

-Moses Fletcher, Esq., is short a horse rode to the show at your place Monday.

-Quite a large party have been seining Salt Creek, Lake Fork, and the ponds, for the past few days; report no fish, not having caught a respectable fish, or a good mess of any sort.

-In a carriage drive to Salt Creek with Mr. Walter Sawyer and our families last evening, to please the children we drove into the stream, but owing to the recently high water, all drive reckonings were obliterated, and before we really knew it, we found ourselves hedged up on either side with drift and possible deep water before us, without chance of backing out or turning around. The only safe remedy was to wade out which Mr. Sawyer did, carrying the children, and his wife on horse back, the horse barrowed of a lady passing-with Mrs. Beidler, I drove down stream and out on the opposite side. Of course the adventure was enjoyed when out of danger.

-Rothschild’s European Show, museum, menagires and Circus will spread their canvas and hold forth at this place Saturday the 17the inst.

When here three years since, they were greeted with a full house, which they well deserved. Their advance agent, Mr. Srpinger, is a gentleman and promises a better show than when here before.

-The church excursion to Decatur Sabbath last turned out safe and pleasant. The pastor of the church just erected and dedicated there the Rev. Mr. Tablor, was several years since, a resident of this vicinity. He is highly spoken of in his new field and his prospects for future usefulness and eminence are indeed flattering. We wish him success.

-A band of Gypseys have made their appearance on our streets.

-Veterinary Surgeon David Veale, of Champaign, is in town.

-Mr. Wiley Buckles bought at Louisville, KY., a few week since a fine saddle horse valued at six hundred dollars.

-Esq. Yager’s buildings are ready for the first floor.

-The cigar factory has moved into the upper room of the old Danner Store.

-Mr. Williams, of Bloomington, has been engaged as principal of our School, commencing in September, Miss Mendall, of Springfield, takes the primary department. Mr. H. H. Martin, of your city late, of Vermont, is applicant

for the intermediate department.

-We have good indications of, but no rain. Corn is looking fair-quits good between here and Decatur. We are needing rain badly, health good. Trade improving.




 On Tuesday last Coroner Green was summoned to Lawndale to hold an inquest on the body of a child which had been murdered and concealed in a field two miles south to that place. A jury composed of the following-named persons was impaneled:

  Whitby Hunting, M. Underwood, T.C. Shreve, Thos. Williamson, Reuben Druley, Christopher Cutlip, John Campbell, J.W. Grantham, C.F. Stewart, Oscar J. Hyde, John Yost and Thomas Cutlip.

  The testimony of Dr. C.M. Sutley, Zachary Ewing, and two or three others was taken and showed that Miss Narcissa Barger was the mother of the child and that she had murdered it to conceal an illicit amour.

She was living in her brother’s house in the same neighborhood but came to Zachary Ewing’s house on Saturday, the third. Her temporary disappearance from the house on Sunday afternoon, combined with other suspicious circumstances, caused a search to be instituted by Mr. Ewing

And others on Monday, resulting in the discovery of the child wrapped in a skirt, in a wheat field about a hundred yards form the house. Dr. Sutley’s evidence was to the effect that the child had been born alive; he also said, as reported in the written testimony: “ The child had been born alive;” he also said, as reported in the written testimony: “The child was found dead with marks of violence on either side of the neck as of having been clutched by a hand, shich leads me to believe it came to its death by foul means.”

   The woman’s own admissions are said to have been almost conclusive of her quilt. It is reported that she admitted having been with child and that its father was now living in Iowa. Miss Barger, who is described as rather good-looking and about thirty years of age, is too ill to be removed at present, but will be arrested as soon as she recovers.



Jefferson C. Blackwell-Miss Emma Wrouhton

John Brown-Miss Gertrude Benson

Thaddens A. Rice-Mrs. Mary L. Rodocker

Benjamin F. Gordon-Miss Hattie E. Beeler

John S. Pendleton-Miss Lina Mounts

Thomas Galvin-Mrs. Margaret Delaney

The Lincoln Herald

June 8, 1876:

-Prof. Augustine Angelo Rhu is confident of a grand success on Saturday evening.

-O.M. Scott, of ’73, delivers the address before the Alumni Society on Tuesday evening.

-Dr. Poindexter returned from Kentucky last Saturday night and attended chapel Monday morning.

-Revs. S. G. Hudson and Goodpasture were in attendance at chapel last Monday morning.

-Rev. Arthur Swazey, D.D., of Chicago, will lecture in the chapel next Wednesday evening. All are invited to be present.

-Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Edgar, gave a social party last Saturday evening, to which students were invited, and those who attended speak highly of the hospitality of the host and hostess.

-Mr. Brown, of Oregon, a cousin of Miss Ollie Cox, of this city, took a look over the University one day last week.

-F. F. Bone, who has been traveling for the past six months, has returned to this city and is pursuing his studies again.

-Elias Chandler, an old student, was admitted to West Point Military Academy, May 1st. Of the class of 104 only 38 succeeded in passing the examination.

-L.P. Marhall has sent his resignation as essayist for the Amasgacians the next contest. John Johnson was elected to fill his place.

-Dr. McGlumphy will spend a part of his vacation in Nebraska visiting his brother.

-Mrs. Prof. Harris is much improved and her friends have strong hopes of her recovery.

-There was a prize reading given by Miss Prof. McCord at the chapel last Monday evening. A prize was give to each of the ladies’ societies. Eighteen young ladies entered the contest and after a spirited one the judges decide in favor of Miss Emma Richards, of the Neatrophian, and Miss Jessie Martin, of Amicitian society. The successful contestants came forward and received their prizes by the hands of Miss Beatty, president of the Neatrophian society, after the benediction the audience was dismissed and sixteen disappointed young ladies went their way homeward.